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Just in case you're not sure what necklace I'm on about in this chapter, it's the one Brian is wearing in the photo above.

Also, I do not own the video and of course, I know that girl in the video isn't Alyssia.

"Dada?" She reaches out to the tall, curly-haired man in front of her, it's the penguin necklace around his neck that captures her attention.

The gentle-looking man lifts her from the playpen she's standing in, "Good afternoon, my angel. Has mummy kept you cooped up inside all morning? Come on, let's go outside and see what we can find."

They're outside in seconds and the tall man is walking with her in his hold, her back against his chest, pointing out the different wildlife around them.

The daylight turns to nighttime and he sat on a log with her on his knee, "Oh Lissy look," He points to a small prickly creature a few steps away from them, "This is a hedgehog. They are nocturnal creatures which means they're awake at night, but they are sadly endangered species that need our help."

Again the scene changes, "Your mum said a coach saw you skating today," The man whispers rocking her to sleep, "Said you could be a professional when you're older. If that's your dream then you go for it, you'll always have my support."

He lowers her into the cot but she latches onto the necklace he's wearing, the penguin one again. She refused to let go so he let her keep it.

Then smash, a baby crying.

It's her crying, she looks up at the person holding her. It's not the man but a black figure with eyes she recognises. She sees the necklace she's still holding and the man behind the black figure before a dropping feeling, there's a prick in her arm then everything goes black.


Hyde Park, Dutchess County

July 1997

Erin shot up in bed, looking over at her bedside clock its 8am. The summer holidays start today so she doesn't need to get up for school, but she decides against going back to sleep.

Tina finally enrolled Erin into school last September after two years of homeschooling. At the age of seven, she's excelling in maths and science, particularly in physics, she loves music too.

It's been three years since she last had a vivid dream like that, she's had fleeting ones but none as details as that since moving in. And the necklace has never popped up before.

"Morning mum," She mutters, dropping into her usual chair at the table.

"Morning sweety. You're up early," Tina plates up the chocolate chip pancakes she's made and puts the plate in front of Erin.

"Bad dream woke me up," Erin grabs the butter, spreading it on till it melts.

Tina joins her with her own plate, "You haven't had one of those in a while. You want to talk about it?"

"No, it's just a stupid dream. What's that?" She points to a small black box sitting next to her mum's placemat.

"Oh. Do you remember at Christmas I said I had an extra gift for you but I couldn't find it?"

"Yep," Erin shoves a large bit of pancake into her mouth.

"Well, I found it yesterday. Here," Tina passes Erin the box, "Open it."

Shoving another bit of pancake in her mouth, she opens the box and she almost choked on her food. Inside the box is the same penguin necklace from her dream last night.

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