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I do not own any of the videos in this chapter or chapters going forward, credit goes entirely to the skaters in the video, of course I know it isn't Alyssia in the videos but we can pretend. Some songs in the videos I'm aware probably don't exist yet, but finding ones without modern songs was hard.

August 1999

Regionals is tomorrow and Alyssia is beyond nervous. She's getting ready for bed when there's a knock at her bedroom door, "Come in," She pulls her pyjama top down and sits on her bed pulling Freddie in for a hug.

Brian opens the door and sits on her bed in front of her, "You ready for tomorrow?"

"Nervous," She whispers, "I really want to do well."

"You will, Katie wouldn't put you or Vicky into compete if she didn't think you were good enough. Drink this," He tries to hand her a glass of warm milk, "It will help you sleep."

She just stares at the glass, not at all willing to take it, so he puts it on the bedside table then sits back down next to her, pulling her into a hug and kisses her forehead, "You really need to forget about what Eva said, Lissy. You're a beautiful girl and you do not need to worry about your figure."

Things have gotten worse since February, Eva has been bullying even more and despite being a healthy weight, Alyssia still won't believe anyone that she's not fat.

Victoria and Zoe have done what they can to get Eva off Alyssia back, but because the teachers haven't since or heard any of Eva's bullying, they won't do anything about it.

"You have to say that your my dad," She mutters leaning into him, feeling sleep pulling her in. She loves her dad's hugs, they're always so warm.

"Well, I promise you that I'm not just saying because I'm your dad," It hurts him to think that she doesn't believe him, "I'm saying it because it's true. Apart from this bully has anyone ever said you look fat?"

"No, though Louisa said I had baby fat."

Brian knows Louisa wouldn't have meant it in that way, "She's not wrong but it's not an under healthy kind of fat. Children have baby fat to keep them warmer and to protect them from things like injures, that's something you'll definitely need in skating. I reckon that once you hit puberty, all your baby fat will fade away and you'll be like I was."

He grabs the glass of milk and tries again, "Milk is good for you, it helps your bones stay strong."

She sits Freddie on the bed and takes the milk, sipping it. It does help to relax her, Brian gets up to leave, "Night, dad."

"Goodnight poppet, I love you," He pulls the door closed and goes back downstairs.

Alyssia finishes her milk then climbs under the covers, reaching over to turn her lamp off. Freddie curls up next to her.


In the car the next morning is where her nerves kick in again, Regionals is at the Alexandra Palace ice rink in London.

Not only will her mum and dad be watching but Jimmy, Louisa and Emily, Zoe, Roger, Rory and Tigerlily and Victoria's mum, Jodie, will be watching too.

Then of course there will be judges watching and she also hopes that Freddie is watching from above.

Once they arrive, Brian goes to find his seat with the others while Anita goes with Alyssia to help her get ready. Anita gets everything out while Alyssia goes out onto the ice to warm up with Victoria.

When they get back, Katie briefs them with a pep talk, "Girls, I have your time slots, the short program is this morning, Lissy your on at 9am, Vicky your on at 10am. The free skate is this afternoon, Lissy at 2pm and Vicky at 3pm. I have every confidence in you two, I wouldn't let you compete if I didn't think you stood a chance but no matter what happens out there, just try to best. If you make it into the top ten, great. If not, we try again next year. Get yourselves ready and I'll be back before you go on."

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