The Subconscious Takes Over

451 21 4

April 2006

After the Olympics, Brian and Roger went back on tour for the last leg of the Queen + Paul Rodgers World tour. While Alyssia is flooded with interviews as Brian predicted.

Now that has died down, Alyssia's focus is on revision and coursework. It's the Easter Holidays but once she goes back to school, her exams begin and she doesn't want to be weighed down with coursework, so she's trying her hardest to get it done and out of the way.

She has one bit of coursework left to do for music and she's meant to be writing a song but with a huge decision to make on whether to stick with skating or not, she's finding it very hard to concentrate.

Brian and Roger aren't back until the Sunday before she goes back to school and it's not something to talk about over the phone. Toby is no use at the moment, he's in Australia visiting his mum and sister, once he starts his apprenticeship with the police in August, he won't have much time off to go a visit them.

Zoe is busy with swimming and studying, Victoria is also busy studying but college hunting too. She quit skating a few weeks after coming home from the Olympics like she said she would.

Alyssia envies both her friends for having such a clear vision of the future, she needs to talk to someone with a clear head that's not busy, but who?

So much thinking is giving her a headache, grabbing her bag, she stuffs her phone, keys and purse in it and heads downstairs to find her mum.

"Whoa, Lissy," Anita nearly bumps into her daughter as she rounds the bottom of the stairs, "You going somewhere?" She notes the bag across Alyssia's body.

"Do you mind if I go out and gets some air, all that studying is giving me a headache?" Alyssia backs up to the front door.

"Of course, you can love it. Did you want some lunch before you go?"

"Um... no, I'll grab something while I'm out," It's a good reason to wonder far if she wants to.

"Okay well, dinner is at 6pm so be back for then, please. Be careful and text me at some point to let me know your safe, yeah," Anita needs to nip out anyway so the timing is perfect.

"Will do. Love you, see you later, mum," She turns left at the bottom of the steps and almost instantly her subconscious takes over.

It takes her to the nearest tube station and navigates her through a 40-minute underground journey until she's outside John Deacon's home.

She must have been stood looking at the house for a while, she's brought back to the present by a lad coming up beside her, "Can I help you?"

Alyssia fails to recognise him, "I'm looking for John Deacon."

The lad huffs looking angry, "Why can't you media type just leave my dad alone? He retired from music and doesn't want to be bothered with any of that, why can't you just..."

"No, wait... I apologise that's not what this is. Um..." Alyssia riffles through her bag for her I.D, "I don't believe we've met properly, I'm Alyssia May, Brian May's daughter. You must be either Luke or Cameron."

"Luke," He clarifies giving back the I.D, "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, I know exactly who you are. Mum and dad have mentioned you a few times, I just didn't recognise you. Come in."

She follows him inside, helping him with the bags of food he's carrying, "Mum!" He calls out entering the house, "You have a visitor."

"A visitor?" Veronica's voice comes from the kitchen and they head in that direction, "Goodness, we weren't expecting anyone. Who... Lissy," She smiles when Alyssia enters the kitchen behind Luke, "What lovely surprise," She pulls her into a hug kissing her cheek, "To what do we owe the pleasure?"

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