Prologue: Talking Clothing in a Supernatural World?!

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It was the dead of night over Kuoh Town. Some people still walk the streets, while others are resting in their homes. But, all but one person was resting this late at night. Deep in the forest, the sounds of fighting can be heard. A fight between a human and some devils. That person being-

???: Fuck off already! I have school in the morning!

The person slashes at some stray devils that tried to attack them. The shine of a red blade was seen thanks to the light from the moon. But, not just any ordinary blade, but half of a scissor. The person keeps slashing and slashing through the devils, killing them one by one. When there are none left the person let's out a sigh of exhaustion as they stab their blade into the ground to lean on.

???: Gotta hand it to you devils. Your giving me a run for my money here.

They take off their hood, revealing their black hair and single (H/C) strand. That is our protagonist, (F/N) (L/N).

(F/N): At least I'm done here. Even through I don't want to go to school, I have too. You should have at least put up a better fight.....Oh well. No use talking to dead corpses.

She shrinks her scissor blade and starts her walk home from the forest. (F/N) wasn't your ordinary girl. Knowing of the supernatural world of Devils, Fallen Angels, and Angels. In her down time, when she's not working on homework or just being lazy, she's taking out stray devils. Stray devils are devils who have abandoned their masters. Normally you'd think a human shouldn't deal with them, but she was different. She has a Sacred Gear, the Scissor Blade. Awakening the weapons at the age of 10, she's been training with them all her life. At the time, she didn't know they were a Sacred Gear, and she still doesn't. But, she can't shake the feeling that there is more to these blades then she thinks. And ever since, she has been attacked by strays even in her free time. But, those are stories for another day. She wasn't really talked about much around town, just being a normal person in their eyes. But in school, she is known as the Kuoh Vanguard. She's been known to deal with all the perverted boys ever since the school became coed. She's earned the respect of the Kendo Club, as they used to handle them before she stepped in. But, her relations with the students are also for another day. Right now, all she wants to do is get home.

Our protagonist returns to her apartment tired as fuck. Whenever she kills strays, she gets paid. She's a mercenary of sorts. Devils just take her for a human, which they aren't wrong, but they really underestimated her skills. She ended up being known as "The Scissor Warrior" in Hell by many devils. Normally you wouldn't expect devils to think highly of a human, but there's a time for everything. Anyway, right. On topic. Our protagonist changes from her clothes and into matching orange pajamas with small bunny designs on it.

(F/N): Gotta get up and early tomorrow. I got school and shit.....fucking devils.

She closes her eyes as sleep consumes her. The next day, she walks through the school gates with a yawn.

???: Didn't get enough sleep Kuho Vanguard?

She looks to her side and sees her friend, Souna Shitori. She's the Student Council President and used to be a pain in her ass. But, over time, they grew to like eachother. With their conflicting personalities, they are a good pair.

(F/N): You can say that again. Stayed up all night working on my part of our project. And you know you can call me (F/N) right? [Can't let her know I'm killing devils. She'll probably flip.]

Souna: Ah, I see. But you shouldn't push yourself to stay up all night for it.

(F/N): Hey, it's fine. I got it done. And we'll make an A for sure.

Souna: When don't we make an A when we work together?

(F/N): Whenever I'm lazy.

The two share a laugh as they walk inside the school. As they walk through the halls, whispers come from passing students.

Living Clothing In A World Full Of Devils (Female Ryuko reader X Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now