Inumuta's Failed Return...

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Sitting in her chair was none other then Satsuki Kiryūin, drinking some tea as the sounds of the storming rain was heard.

Gamagōri: It's quite the storm out there isn't it?

Satsuki: Indeed it is Gamagōri. It rains alot here.

Nonon: Why did you decide to even come to the mortal realm Lady Satsuki? I thought you said for us to handle it?

Satsuki: I did. But, mother wants me to be here. Says it would be better for me to get out of Hell.

Sanageyama: Hey, at least we're all together. We can do stuff while we wait-

Satsuki: Like you have proved that any of you need breaks......Where is Inumuta?

Gamagōri: We sent him out first. He'll out smart her and get the upper hand. It will be a-

He's cut off as the door to the room opens. Walking in is a soaked Inumuta with parts of his outfit torn. He has his head down, but the anger he has can be sensed.

Satsuki: I see you have failed. Care to explain?

Inumuta: I had the upper hand. I had it all. I could have won. I could-

Sanageyama: Oh yeah? Then why didn't you? In fact, why did you even return?

This ticks the blue haired specialist off as he sends blue cubes his way. Sanageyama expertly blocked them with his sword before putting it back.

Satsuki: Enough...... I'll have you know that I don't give second chances. But, if you give me some valuable information that may help in us beating her, I might just give you this second chance.

He takes a flashdrive from the collar of his outfit and throws it to Gamagōri.

Inumuta: There. It has all you need to know on it. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to dry myself.

He closes the door behind him. Gamagōri flips the drive around in his hand.

Gamagōri: Shall I put this on Lady Satsuki?

Satsuki: Yes Gamagōri. I want to know what he saw.

He does so and plays it. As everyone watched the fight, each of them had different thoughts.

Satsuki: [A New form......I'm behind once again. I have to be ahead. I have to ascend like she has! No one should be ahead of me! Especially a mortal!]

Gamagōri: [She's tough. But, she won't be able to strike through my armor. Inumuta's was just flabby and weak. A fight against her would be easy.]

Sanageyama: [Pff. What a joke. He lost? I could beat her in 3 seconds flat! Wish I could have went instead. But, at least I'm glad to know this now. I'll be prepared for when it's my time.]

The three kept watching the fight and how it progressed. But, the fourth was more focused on you then anything else.

Nonon: [Wooooow! Look at her! She's more beautiful then any of those sluts back at the club. And that build~. The build of an actual goddess. Ahh~. I have to get my hands on her~. No one else should be able to have a god like her. What should I give her? Would a goddess even accept me? What does she like? Maybe some candy. She's a mortal right? Maybe some Hell chocolate would do. Oh, hopefully I'll be sent out next and-]

Gamagōri: JAKUZURE!!

The girl is snapped from her thoughts and looks to the big guy.

Nonon: The hell Gamagum!?

Sanageyama: The lady said that we need to prepare for our next task. That includes you.

Gamagōri: And your not allowed to be lazy this time around.

Nonon: Okay okay. Jeez. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to my room.

She stands up and leaves the room, leaving the two boys.

Sanageyama: So.......Wanna go cause some havoc?

Gamagōri: Do you even have to ask? I know the perfect spot.

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