The Elite Prepare...

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Devils run through the forest twords an unknown destination. Out of the forest comes a green light that slashes them down. Revealing from the light is Uzu Sanageyama, The Right Hand Blade of Satsuki. He stands as more devil's rush him from behind. They are then wrapped in orange ropes. Their pulled away and then tied together. Those were from Ira Gamagōri, Satsuki's Iron Wall. The devils are then put in a blue containment field made by Satsuki's Smartest Ally, Hōka Inumuta.

Inumuta: Devils contained.

Gamagōri: No thanks to Sanageyama.

Sanageyama: Hey! At least I did something! Unlike someone.

He looks up to a tree to see the pink haired girl. She was eating some candy. That girl is Satsuki's Powerful Mage, Nonon Jakuzure.

Sanageyama: Nonon! You know you could at least help!

Nonon: Why would I? I just want to go after that girl. You idiots what to practice your powers.

Inumuta: It is advised that you should as well. You haven't tried anything at all in the last 2 days.

She groans and summons her batton just as more devils start approaching them. She raises it as the skull's mouth opens and starts shooting pink orbs all around the area. Inumuta smokes a barrier around the three of them as to be protected from the attacks. After a while, Nonon stops and sighs.

Sanageyama: Oi! You could have hit us ya know!

Nonon: Would have been good for you to gain a few braincells from getting hit.

Gamagōri: Enough. We have some devils here. We're good to go.

Inumuta: Still, I don't see what Satsuki needs these for.

Sanageyama: Whatever it is for, it doesn't involve us. We're just following her command. And besides, I get to fight some devils, so I don't care.

The four begin to walk, with the devil's floating behind them in the orb. There was a buzzing before a drone approached Inumuta and attached to his hip.

Nonon: Oh hey. Your little toy is back. Did it get anything.

Inumuta: I'll have to check when we get back to base.

Gamagōri: Do so. We need all advantages on her we can get.

Sanageyama: I still don't see what's so special about her. I get it, Satsuki is stubborn. But to round up four people of different backgrounds.

Nonon: What are you talking about?

Sanageyama: What do you mean "What am I talking about"?! Gama was a guard at a strip club! Nonon, you worked at the same club! Me and Inumuta are the two normal ones!

Inumuta: I would say I was the normal one. You were a thief.

Sanageyama: My point still stands! We are not what she holds us highly too. We are just people who have special abilities.

Nonon: You make it sound like my job was a bad thing. I got rich quick.

Gamagōri: That job did pay out. Sad that I had to quit it. But, Satsuki says she would pay alot more then that if we do this.

Nonon: Also, we still don't know about you Inumuta. What were you doing before all of this?

Inumuta: Sorry, but I won't tell you all just yet.

Sanageyama: Geez. Thought we were allies here.

Inumuta: We are.

Gamagōri: Noted.

Sanageyama: *Sigh* And to believe I could get along with you people.

Inumuta: Were getting along right now aren't we?

Nonon: He's right.

Gamagōri: Yeah. I'll make us some cookies when we get back.

Sanageyama smirks and puts his hands in his pockets.

Sanageyama: Guess we could potentially be friends after all.

Nonon: You turned around quick.

Sanageyama: Shut it!

Living Clothing In A World Full Of Devils (Female Ryuko reader X Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now