S2 E8: New Students Arrive! Enter The......Sibling?!

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(Y/N): So I have to stand here and wait for them with you because?

Mikisugi: Because their new students. And, your kinda the face of the school.

(Y/N): Not that I would want to be.

Mikisugi: Oh come on. Maybe their nice.

(Y/N): Well, whoever they are, I don't want to see them.

You lean against the tree you were sitting under. The school day already ended and Sona wanted you to be with Mikisugi when two new students were supposed to arrive. You've grown more and more board the more time passed.

Mikisugi: Hey, I wanted to ask. About Rias and-

(Y/N): I'm through. That was a one time deal. I wanted to get her out of that marriage, and in turn I fought Satsuki. Whatever they do now, I don't care.

You look away from him and rest your chin on your hand. They might be your friends, but dealing with their peerage business is a no go.

Mikisugi: You actually look good with rings on. I heard what happened.

(Y/N): Don't bring it up. Just........don't.

Mikisugi: Noted. I won't speak about it if you don't want me too.

(Y/N): Thanks.......Even if your a weird guy, your not bad.

Mikisugi: That just means my teachings are getting through to you.

He looked back twords the gate as two figures walked through. When they approch him, they lower their hoods to reveal their faces. A girl with blue hair and a single green streak and a girl orange hair in twin tails.

Mikisugi: Your here. Wonderful! Now then, may I know your names?

???1: Oh! So your the one we're supposed to meet? I'm Irina Shidou. And this is my partner-

???2: Don't say my name.

From the cloth of the item the blue haired girl was holding reveals a handle. You stand up and pull out one of your Scissor Blades.

(Y/N): Might want to take some steps back teach. Things are gonna get rocky.

He looked to you before shrugging and moving out of the way. You walked forward and pointed your blade to the girl before running at her. She reveals her blade and swings at you. You duck and grab her arm and flip her over your shoulder, getting her to hit her back on the ground.

(Y/N): Heh. Still can't git a hit on me.

???2: You were lucky. I'm wearing weighted gear.

You smile before helping her up. You both then laugh. As Mikisugi walks up to you.

Mikisugi: Well, that was quick. Now then, what is your name miss? I am Aikuro Mikisugi, I'll be your teacher. But, you may call me Mikisugi outside of classes.

???2: Ah. Well......Guess it wouldn't hurt to say. My name is Xenovia. Xenovia (L/N).

Mikisugi's fake glasses fall off his face as he looks between you two.

Mikisugi: ..........Come again?

(Y/N): I should explain before you get some weird ideas. She's not really my sister. My mom found her on the street one day and took her in. We definitely don't look the same, but I care about her.

Xenovia: Correct. She's always been the stronger of the two of us. But I'm the fastest.

Irina: Wait! You have a sister?! Why didn't you tell me?

Xenovia: Because it was better that you didn't know. She can be a hot head.

(Y/N): I heard that!

Mikisugi: Interesting......Wonder how they would do against Nui....And I guess I could see how you would be seen as sisters. Black hair and red vs blue haired with green.....Anyway, I'd like to see how strong you are one day Xenovia.

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