S4 E1: Back On The Road!

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After packing everything away, Xenovia takes to the driver's seat and get everyone out of the forest. Now, everything is calm and your back on the road. Irina's up at the front, Raynare is flying outside, Koneko was sitting in your lap and Sona was shifting through her book to look for hints of the next Scissor master.

(Y/N): So, any idea on what the next master could teach me?

Sona: Sadly, not yet. Like I said, information about them is scarce or removed from history.

Xenovia: We were lucky to find even one. But, she did want to be found. So I guess we had a heads up.

Sona: Exactly. Now we're stuck looking for clues.

Raynare pulls up to the open window and sticks her head in.

Raynare: I suggest we head to the next city. They might be in plane sight.

(Y/N): She's right. Plus, getting na actual bed to sleep in would be better then sleeping in the RV every night.

Xenovia: Agreed. Irina, put the GPS to the closet city.

Irina: Already did. It'll take a day and a half. There's a pitstop along the way, so we can take a stop there.

You lean back and cross your legs to get more comfortable. Koneko also crosses her legs and leans back against your chest. You pat her head as she purrs.

(Y/N): Anything odd out there Raynare?

Raynare: No. Everything is fine. It's a little hot though.

Sona: She is right. It's only going to get hotter.

Koneko: I can already feel it from here...... That's it. I'm taking off my shirt.

She sits up and unbuttoned her shirt before throwing it to the side.

(Y/N): No bra?

Koneko: Why bother? I don't have a chest anyway. Unlike some people here.

Sona: I feel hurt.

Xenovia: Seconded. Not our faults our bodies decided to grow on their own.

Irina: Yeah. Maybe it was because of our destined lover.

(Y/N): Maybe it's because men are perverts.

Koneko: Oh yeah. Issei. Forgot about him.

Sona: Kinda glad you forgot. But, I wonder how Rias and her peerage are doing.

Koneko: I'll make sure to call them when we get to the city.

Sona then returns to looking at her book and Irina turns back upfront. You lean down to whisper to Koneko.

(Y/N): Your just not wearing a bra because you have nothing to hide.

Koneko: Only you and Sona know that.

You look back twords the front and see that Irina closed the back window. That means the drivers can't hear back here. You smirk and let your hands roam the small girl's body. She moaned a bit.

Koneko: H-hey. They might hear us.

(Y/N): Irina closed the window. So they can't hear us.

Your hand moves up to her nipples and gives them a squeeze. She moaned a bit louder and shivers. Sona giggles before sending a icy wind in her direction, making her shiver more.

Koneko: Y-you both are m-mean.

(Y/N): It's not mean. It's teasing. Right Sona?

Sona: Exactly. Your just too sensitive.

She groaned before another moan left her mouth. But, the peaceful atmosphere changed when the RV shook.

(Y/N): I already don't like this.

Raynare comes to the window as she dodged a blue energy sphere.

Raynare: Hey, that Inumuta guy is back. And he has a friend.

You groan before moving Koneko out of your lap and tapping on the back window.

Irina: You noticed.

(Y/N): More like Raynare brought it up. Keep us steady.

Xenovia: Already on it.

You take Senketsu off his hanger and put him on before going to the back of the vehicle and open the hatch on the roof and stand on it. You look up and see a jet flying way above you. Raynare flies behind you as two people hand on the other end.

Inumuta: Well well. We meet again.

(Y/N): What do you want blue boy? Can't you see you'll just lose again.

Inumuta: That's what you think. I actually have back up this time.

You look to the green haired boy beside him. You already don't like his face.

(Y/N): The hell's your name pretty boy?

Sanageyama: Pretty boy?! My name is Uzu Sanageyama! I am Lady Satsuki's blade! I saw how you beat Inumuta. Just know I won't be so easy.

Raynare: Hmph. Like you could put up any sort of fight. With those skinny bones of yours.

That triggers him as he dashed forward. Raynare gets infront of you and raises her hand with a glowing red aura to block the blade. She effortlessly pushed him away.

Raynare: Yawn......You bore me already.

Sanageyama: Ghhh! My fight isn't with you! (Y/N), face me! I'll defeat you and prove myself to Satsuki!

(Y/N): Fine by me. Raynare, take your fight with the other guy to the skies.

Raynare: Say less. Come on blue boy~! Follow me!

She flies into the sky. Inumuta turned into blue particles and was sent into the jet above to follow. You turn your attention to the new threat.

(Y/N): So, what makes you special?

Sanageyama: That's for you to find out. If you live long enough.

You sigh and summon your blades.

(Y/N): Just when I thought I would get a break. You ready Senkets?

Senketsu: Whenever you are.

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