After Story: A Short Day With Tozumo

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Ryuko: Come on Tozu.

Tozumo: Coming daddy!

I hear the sound of her quick shoes as she runs down the hall to meet me at the door. She quickly came to a stop, causing her to start to lean forward.

Before she could fall, Sonia grabbed the back of her hoodie with one finger and pulled her backwards.

Sonia: What did I say about running Tozumo?

Tozumo: Sorry mommy, but this is the first time I'm training with daddy! I get to learn about...uhmm...Daddy what was it again?

Ryuko: Life Fibers, cupcake.

Tozumo: Yeah! I didn't know fibers has life before!

I chuckle and ruffle her hair. She shakes her head before fixing her hair.

Koneko: Now now you two. Be safe out there. I want you back in one piece.

Tozumo: Wouldn't that mean we're one person?

Sonia: She means your body stays the way it is now.

Tozumo: Ohhh...Wait I don't get it.

I chuckle again before walking up to Koneko and kissing her forehead.

Ryuko: You should be resting.

Koneko: I came to see you off. I can't do that?

Ryuko: We'll only be out for a few hours. Go lay down.

Koneko: I will I will...But seriously, stay safe.

She reached up and held my cheeks. I raised my own hand and held hers.

Koneko: You've been stressing yourself a lot. Just have fun with Tozumo. Don't worry about us.

Ryuko: I can't help but worry. The Witness is still out and about doing whatever they please. I have to worry about Viego's underlings trying to revive him. And on top of it all...your pregnant.

As I stare into her eyes, she tilted her head to look behind me. I'm about to turn my head, but she forced me to keep looking at her.

Koneko: I'm worried about you... Your eyes keep getting darker the more I look at them. The light that you had back then is fading.....Your scaring us.


I removed my hand from hers and gently held her cheek. I rest my forehead against hers and close my eyes.

She's right. Nothing has happened in months. I need to relax. I opened my eyes and stare back into hers.

Ryuko: I will. Tozu is my pride and joy. I have to share her enthusiasm.

Koneko's frown turned to a smile before she pulled me in for a short kiss.

Koneko: There's our Ryuko.

Sonia: You two done?

Koneko released me, allowing me to turn around to Sonia.

Ryuko: Hey, I didn't forget about you.

I walked over to her with my arms opened. She tired to resist my advance, but she gave up once I managed to hug her.

Sonia: You need to get going. Let me go.

Ryuko: Not until you give me a kiss.

She huffled before grabbing my face and kissing me. It was brief, but that's because she probably wanted me out.

Sonia: Happy?

Ryuko: Very.

I kiss her cheek before I let her go. I then walk twords the door and open it.

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