S2 E6: A Selfless Sacrifice! An Emotion Filled Climax!

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A wall of the fake school breaks, kicking up dust. You run through it and down the hall. While trading blows with Satsuki, you had reverted to base form. You tried using your powers, but almost collapsed in the process, so that's out of the question. So now, you need to stall so Senketsu can recover.

(Y/N): Come on dude! I can't last much longer. How long are you gonna rest for?

Senketsu: {I'm sorry (Y/N), but you'll have to do the rest of this fight without me.}

(Y/N): Well I'm not gonna last long! I'm already struggle-

You didn't finish as another explosion happened infront of you. You fly back into a wall and slide down it, hitting your limit. Satsuki walks from the dust twords you.

Satsuki: Is that all? I expected more from you. But.......I guess your like them all. Can't even wear clothing correctly.

You look up at her. What does he mean "like them all"? Was there more people like her? Other Kamui users?

(Y/N): What do you mean by that? Are there more Kamui out there? Did you do something?

You only get a head shake in return as she raised her blade.

Satsuki: I've said too much. And now you know too. Be lucky they can't see or hear us from here. That means I can get rid of you.

(Y/N): Your gonna kill me? You can't do that!

Satsuki: Nobody ever said I couldn't. You and your idiotic friends just didn't decide too. I'm Satsuki Kiryūin, a high class devil. Now get out of my sight.

You try to stand, but your body fails you. You can only close your eyes and wait.....

But it never arrived. When you opened your eyes again, you saw-

Senketsu: {Asia?!}

(Y/N): N-no......Asia!

Asia had stood infront of you, the blade traveled from her color bone to her hip. She still stood strong with a fire in her eyes.

Satsuki: Tch. Guess my blade missed it's mark.

She pulled her blade out of the girl and wipes it clean. Asia, still standing, looks back twords you with a strained smile on her face.

Asia: S-sorry I-I-I couldn't get to y-you s-sooner.....(Y/N)....

(Y/N): Asia.......Asia no!

The girl falls to the ground. With a new rush of adrenaline, you get up and get closer to her. You hold her head up as she was struggling to breath.

(Y/N): Asia!......No.....Use your Sacred Gear dammit. Your dying.

Asia: I....... Can't use it......on myself..... It's.....my flaw......

Tears begin to well up in your eyes as you looked at her. A person who was kind to everyone she met......Yet the world didn't treat her nice in return. Your tears fall onto her face as you feel something touch your hand. Looking down, you see two rings......her rings, Twilight Healing.

Asia: T-take.......my Sacred Gear........Do what you...m-must.

(Y/N): Asia.....please...... Don't die. I'm sure we can save you.

The girl gives you a weak smile and giving a stiffened laugh.

Asia: You......you k-keep holding yourself back.....for us...For our safety......Let it out (Y/N)......Let it all out......For me?....All my life......I wanted to see the world.....I wanted to meet new people....I wanted friends.....Thank you (Y/N)....for being....my first friend.....

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