S5 E4: Going to The Root of All Problems

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(Y/N): You sure this is the correct way?

Inumuta: Confirmative. Just a bit longer and we'll be there.

Xenovia: I'm trusting you here. If your leading us away from our destination-

Nonon: He's not. You can trust us.

Xenovia: It's hard to do that after what he did.

Inumuta: I had no choice. I like my head on ya know.

Irina: Whatever. Anyway, are we closer.

Inumuta: Just a bit more before we're in range.

You hum and look out the window. There's not much to see, but it's at least something to look at. You were still thinking about that door as you felt a tap on your shoulder after a few minutes.

Nonon: Were near the entrance point.

(Y/N): Then what are you waiting for?

Inumuta: For your command. Your our leader after all.

You sigh, but smile.

(Y/N): Alright. Open the way!

Inumuta: Already doing it.

Otoya: But you just told her that you were waiting for her command.

Nonon: That was a joke. We were doing it anyway.

You lose your smile and flick her forehead.

(Y/N): Just take us there already!

Inumuta: Nonon, it's your turn.

The short girl sighs and raises her staff. A pink portal opened down the road before the RV entered it. When they come out of the other side, their eyes widen.

 When they come out of the other side, their eyes widen

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Xenovia: This is where Satsuki lives?!

Inumuta: Correction. This is where everyone working under the Kiryuin family lives. That includes the Kiryuin themselves.

Irina: There are planets out there! Are we in space?!

Inumuta: No. This is just a minor pocket dimension. The Kiryuin family can make much bigger then this.

(Y/N): How can we even enter?

Nonon: She forgot to take away our keys in.

Inumuta: That's the dumbest thing she has done yet.

Otoya: I will agree there. And I've seen some dumb shit in my time.

(Y/N): Anyway, onto serious matters. How do we find the Scissor Masters here?

Inumuta: Can't you sense them?

(Y/N): If I could, we'd be storming Satsuki's by now.

Nonon: She's right ya know. Anyway, it's not hard. Their known quite well here. They served Satsuki's mother before they retired.

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