S2 E7B: I Will Not Let This Stand! (Satsuki POV)

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(I have decided to do a Follow up to after the fight with Satsuki as the main focus. There won't be a shift in my writing so try and place yourself in Satsuki's shoes and not in YOUR shoes for this one. Maybe I'd do another on Rias's POV from after you blew up at her. Just more story.)

To think that you were beaten by a mortal......A mortal wearing a Kamui no less! Only you should be able to wear a Kamui! The others were killed all those years ago, with Junketsu being the only one. But there was one more. You have to have it! You need to get your hands on that Kamui before (Y/N) can get stronger. Nobody outclasses you. Your Satsuki Kiryūin! A-

???: If your done having your internal crisis, it's done.

Turning around, you see your blonde headed......"Ally". Shiro Iori, known as the best back ally devil in all of Hell. He's able to create anything you need for the right price. Granted, you need to gather the material yourself if you want to get anything done. But, you've come to him to repair Junketsu. He's never failed in his work.

Satsuki: Thank you. I will have the money wired to your account.

Iori: It better. I have other things to attend to, so get out.

Satsuki: On the contrary. I need something of you.

The teen sighs under his mask.

Iori: Look lady, I don't have time for small talk. I'm a busy guy.

Satsuki: Well I'm going to make you more busy. I need 4 outfits. Make them the strongest you can.

Iori: Do you not know how much time that will take? I'm busy. Out. Now.

You stab your blade into his desk while giving him a death glare. He relents and sighs again.

Iori: Want do you want?

Satsuki: 4 outfits. I want them to be as powerful as Junketsu.

Iori: You know that's impossible. A Kamui is so rare in production that it is impossible to reporduce every single strand. Not to mention it's Banshee. Getting a Banshee is.......

Your silent, waiting for him to finish.

Satsuki: How do I get a Banshee?

He stays silent. You take your blade from the desk and hold it to his neck.

Satsuki: How. Do. I. Get. One?

Iori: Devils have Banshees. Soecifically, all races have them. But their hard to find with the untrained eye.While wearing a Kamui, they are able to see the Banshee in every race and other Kamui. Their found at a specific part of the neck. When cutting it, it severs the head from the body, killing them immediately and painlessly.

Satsuki: How do I see it? Is it just simple?

Iori: No. Only a trained Kamui user can use it. But, I have a device to help you.

He pulls back and looks under his desk before bringing up a device.

Iori: Place this over one of your eyes. It'll let you see them.

You take it from him and do so. When activated, you see a glowing blue line on his neck that flashes white in the center.

Satsuki: So that's a Banshee.

Iori: Yes. Now don't cut mine. Anyway, In order to match your strength, I need alot of Banshees. Normally I wouldn't be okay with killing......But someone else is doing it for me. So I don't care how you do it, just get me some.

Satsuki: You've yet to tell me how do I claim the Banshee without destroying it.

Iori: Simple. It gets Absorbed into your Kamui when cut. Just come back when you think it's enough.

Satsuki: I want exact numbers Iori. None of your potential numbers.

Iori: Fine. I need 14. This includes weapons I presume you want.

Satsuki: And right you are......And I know just the way to get them.

Iori: Well whatever. Now get out already. Such an annoyance.

You sheath your blade before teleporting away. You didn't want to use Junketsu since it was just repaired and needs time to rest. You appear at the Phoenix estate, location of Riser and his Peerage. You walk into the room to see him being tended too by his peerage.

Riser: My queen! You've returned! So good to see that you are alright.

Satsuki: Yes. I am alright. But you are not.

Riser: Yes yes I know. Not even Phoenix tears can heal me. But, I'm sure I will recover-

Satsuki: I'm not talking about your wounds. I'm talking about you at the moment.

You draw Bakuzen, getting everyone's attention. Some draw their weapons as you threaten to transform.

Riser: What is the meaning of this? Ah! I see. You wish for a spar to test yourself again. Well then, do as you like.

Satsuki: Don't worry. I'll make this quick. And nobody's leaving until I'm done.....

You tighten your grip on your handle. You feel a rush go through you. Getting these Banshees will be a breeze. Their weak and couldn't even take you in a fight even without Junketsu on.

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