S5 E9: An OverCooperative Pair (Xenovia POV)

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Irina: We've been driving for almost an hour. You got anything at all four eyes?

Inumuta: Four eyes? Hmph. A childish thing to say.

Xenovia: No infighting you two. Inumuta, did you find anything?

Inumuta: I haven't got anything in a while.

Xenovia: I figured.

Inumuta: But, I'm getting something now.

Irina: And you didn't say that first?

Inumuta: You didn't give me time to say.

I sigh before snapping.

Xenovia: Alright alright. Tell us.

Inumuta: They've actually been ontop of us all this time.

Irina: Huh? Explain more.

Inumuta: I said their on top of us. Literally.

Xenovia: I would know if they were. The amount of times you and your friends landed on the roof.

I hear him stand up. I look in the rearview and see him stand on a chair and bag his fist on the roof. To your surprise, there was a bang back.

Xenovia: What the?

Inumuta: Let's pull over. This part of the city doesn't get people passing by. So we'll be fine to stop.

I pull over and do so. We get out as the person landed infront of us.

 We get out as the person landed infront of us

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???: Greatings mortals. I have been expecting you.

Xenovia: You have? Well, can't say it wasn't expected.

Irina: So, what's your name?

Gwen: I am Gwen. Now then, let's cut to the chase. You need my help.

Inumuta: Actually, there is a second master that we need to find.

Gwen: I know where she is. Come.

She starts walking away from us. With no other choice, we followed her.

Xenovia: So, where are we going?

Gwen: To meet with my roommate. She's who your looking for correct?

Xenovia: If she's a scissor master, then yes.

Gwen: Well, your right.

Inumuta: Tell us Gwen, what is your ability?

Gwen: Hollow. Or, to be more specific for you, Hollowfication.

Irina: Sounds fancy. What does it do?

Gwen: I'd gladly show you. Hold still.

She summoned her scissors as she held a glint in her eye. I stood infront of Irina protectively.

Xenovia: Not at the moment. Let's just continue.

She giggled before putting it away and continuing to walk. We soon reach a house near the edge of this weird pocket world.

Gwen: No need to knock before entering. I've already informed you'll be coming.

After she said that, she vanished in a blue mist.

Irina: So.....I guess we'll go in.

Inumuta: She said it's fine. So let's get this over with.

He walked up to the door first and opened it. The place is alot bigger in the inside then I first thought. While looking around, I heard humming coming from the room over. As Irina and Inumuta were still looking, I walked twords the door of the room and gently opened it.

The woman was sitting next to a fire, book on her lap and tea cup in hand. Her attention was brought to me as I had entered.

???: Ah. Your our guest. Come sit. You must have alot to talk about.

I nod and close the door behind me before sitting on the chair infront of her.

???: It's nice to meet you. Gwen had told me of your arrival.

Xenovia: That's reassuring. My sister could use your assistance.

???: Sister? Ah, so your not our descendant?

Xenovia: No. I don't use scissors for a weapon. I stick to my sword.

???: I see. Oh! My manners. I haven't introduced myself. I am Sheele. Would you like some tea?

 Would you like some tea?

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Xenovia: Hello. I'm Xenovia. And I'll pass. Listen, I'll cut to the chase. My sister really needs your help. Satsuki is planning something that could destroy the world. And with your help and Gwen, we can stop that.

I watch as she closes her book and puts it to the side. She stands up and fixed her outfit.

Sheele: Well then? Let us get going.

I stand up and follow after her.

Xenovia: Just like that? Your okay with just doing this already?

Sheele: Of course. I've waited my entire afterlife for the next in line to wield scissors.

Xenovia: Next? So, your the first Scissor Master?

Sheele: Took you long enough to notice. I thought I would have to spell it out for you.

I decided to keep my mouth closed. With her and Gwen already prepared, we return to the RV and get going to meet back with sister. I hope this all goes well. It's almost time.

Irina: Hey Xeno? You nervous?

Xenovia: No. I have to stand by (Y/N) with no fear in my heart. We came this far. We need to keep moving.

She looks out the window at my response.

Irina: After this battle.....when we get back home.....can we...possibly....go to that café?

Xenovia: I'd want to stay with sis just a little longer......but sure. It's a date.

My face definitely gets red. I can feel the heat. I'm sure her's is just as red. I know I haven't actually.....confessed to her. But I have to tell her at some point. I'll protect her. At all cost.

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