Another Failure, Another Disaster

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Satsuki: You two are a disgrace! Why can't you do the simplist thing and just kill her?!

Sanageyama and Inumuta stayed silent. Inumuta looked to the side while Sanageyama had his arms folded and looking at the ground.

Satsuki: ......No answer? Really? You fail me and you don't have an answer as to why you failed?! You failed me twice already Inumuta!

Inumuta: My apologies Lady Satsuki. But-

His sentence was cut off as he was punched in the jaw. His back hit the wall and slides down it.

Satsuki: I don't give second chances you idiotic excuse for a devil! And I was already kind enough to give you one to begin with! Your usefulness has expired!

Before she could unsheath Bakuzan, Nonon had grabbed her hand.

Nonon: Please Satsuki. Let him stay around, even if he's not fighting. His brain seems to be the only thing he's good with.

The woman looked to the pink shires girl before staring into the Inumuta's soul. She sighed and walked back to her desk and sat down. Then she turned so the back of the chair faced them.

Satsuki: Fine. I'll let him live. But, I'll be taking back your Sacred Gear. You've lost my trust in using it. You'll stay here and monitor everything that they are doing for a far and report anything important to me immediately. Do I make my self clear?

Standing up and rubbing his bruised jaw.

Inumuta: Yes, Lady Satsuki.

Satsuki: Good. Now leave my presence.

With a silent grunt, he leaves the room.

Satsuki: As for you Sanageyama.....This is your last chance to win. You either die out there, or you die by my blade. A useless sword is just as useless as the man it's attached to. You should know what I mean.

She unsheated her blade, letting the light from the fire infront of her reflect off of it's pitch black surface.

Satsuki: Just know that I would gladly mount it on my wall for everyone to see. I'm sure they'd love to laugh at it.

She giggled to herself as Sanageyama groaned.

Sanageyama: Noted. I'm going out to train.

He picked up his sword from his side of the room and left, leaving Satsuki and Nonon. Nonon was about to silently exit, but was stopped.

Satsuki: Where do you think your going? I need an explanation on why you haven't proved yourself useful.

Nonon: Well, I could easily beat her. But where's the fun in that? I want the boys to fail first. Then, I can swoop in and earn all of your praise.

She's silent. Really silent. A deafening silence.

Satsuki: ..... There's something else isn't there?

Nonon: No. Why would I lie to you? I'm the only other girl here. That means we can be true to eachother.

Satsuki sheated her blade and turned around in her chair. The two stared eye to eye.

Satsuki: Then don't lie to me Nonon. That club ruined your trust and I know that. But you can trust me.....Tell me..... What's up?

Nonon kept silent and looked away. She couldn't say what she was planning. She'd be like a traitor.

Nonon: It's.....personal. Nothing to worry about. That's all.

Satsuki sighed, knowing she won't get an answer she hoped for.

Satsuki: Take some time to yourself. I'll make sure the boys do their part while your relaxing. But, I will have you out there at some point if Sanageyama fails again......To keep this between us....I think you'll succeed over the three of them.....Maybe not Gamagōri. He's really putting his all into this. Sometimes I think he doesn't rest.

Nonon: Hehe. Well, if I run into him, I'll make him rest. And you get some rest too Lady Satsuki. You almost popped a blood vessel.

Satsuki watched as she left the room. When the door closed, she stood up and walked infront of her desk.

Satsuki: I know your here mother. You don't have to stay in the darkness.

???: Awww. But my daughter was having a moment with her friends. Why would I interrupt?

Satsuki: Their not my friends. Their just pawns for my plans.

???: What I sense doesn't tell me that.

From the shadows came a woman in a white dress. Her hair as white as snow ran down her back and touched the floor. She walked behind her daughter and let her hands roam her body.

???: I hope Junketsu has been treating you well. I was worried it would take control of you.

Satsuki: I'm fine mother. Junketsu is nothing but clothing. If (Y/N) can use her own version, then so can I.

???: Don't say that. You and your Kamui must work together. If you don't, you'll never witness it's true power.

Satsuki: And what do you know about power? You lost that years ago to a loli.

???: How hurtful~. And to your own mother. Well, I'll leave you then. But remember. Your always welcomed home.

Satsuki: Yes mother. Now leave.

With a sad sigh, the woman vanished with a white light. Satsuki sat back down in her chair before looking down at Junketsu, seeing it's eyes look up at her.

Satsuki: ..... Don't look at me like that. Your nothing to me. And don't you forget....

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