S4 E4: Continuing The Trip (Koneko POV)

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After getting (Y/N) off the road, I wrapped up her wound and started using my healing magic. But, her body is struggling to heal. It has me worried that my magic has weakened. But, Sona reassured me otherwise and that (Y/N)'s body is just overworked. So, I decide to let her rest and try healing her again another time. I sit beside her and rub her head while it's on my lap.

Sona: She'll be fine Koneko. You worry too much.

Koneko: How can I not be worried? And how are you not worried?

Sona: Because I've known her the longest. She'll never stay down. You should know that as well.

Koneko: Well, I've never seen her get this badly injured. Have you?

Sona: I have. The first time we didn't see eye to eye. Back before Kuoh let boys in.

Koneko: The two of you keep bringing that up. But nobody knows what your talking about. Everyone just thinks that fight is a myth at this point.

Sona sighs as she sits beside me.

Sona: It's best if it stays that way. That wasn't the best of days for both of us.

Koneko: How so? She always talked about it when you were brought up, but never explained more then being a disagreement.

Sona rubs my head and chuckled.

Sona: It was a disagreement. But it expanded into something more that caused us to get heated. I promise, I'll tell you one day.

Koneko: You say that. And I'm holding you too it. And if you don't, then I'll be mad.

We both laugh before she stopped and held her stomach. She seemed like she was in pain.

Koneko: Hey, are you alright?

Sona: Y-yeah. J-just gotta go to the bathroom. Be right back.

She stood up and went to the back of the RV. Is there a wound on her stomach?.... That's can't be. I would have sensed it. And I don't think it's her....month.....God, not knowing how a girl's body works isn't helping me in this situation. But, maybe Im being too worried. She did say I worry too much.

Xenovia: Hey Koneko? How's sis doing back there?

Koneko: At the moment, I can't heal her. But I made sure the wound is properly wrapped. When we reach the city, I'll try again.

Irina: It won't be too long. Just sit relax. Getting stressed over her isn't good for you. She'll be fine.

Xenovia: She's right. Sis never let anything stop her. She said she would even fight death to protect me. I hold her to that by the way. If she ever did manage to fight death.

I chuckle and lean back in my seat. I feel (Y/N)'s head moves closer to me. I play with her (H/C) hair.

Koneko: Get some rest. We'll handle everything. We won't let them get to you.

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