S4 E2: Sword VS Scissor! Sanageyama Steps Up!

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You transform and approach the swordsman. He smirks and pulls out his balde to block yours. You both then parry and block the other's attempts to gain pressure. He pushes you back as you use that time to assess the situation.

(Y/N): Gotta say, your not half bad.

Sanageyama: Guess I could say the same for you. But, flattery won't get you anywhere with me.

(Y/N): Who said I even cared about your stupid face? All i said was your not bad.

Sanageyama: Tch. Fine, let's make this more interesting.

His blade glows green as he sends an energy wave twords you. You block them, but they stagger you back.

Senketsu: Be careful. From what I'm getting, those are no joke.

(Y/N): How so? Care to explain?

Senketsu: Just like Inumuta, he's outfit is also infused with a piece of Junketsu. His sword on the other hand....

(Y/N): What? Don't leave me in the dark here.

You roll backwards as you dodge another wave.

Sanageyama: There's no where left to run. Just give up and I'll make this painless. Which is a lie.

You groan as you get ready for anything. But then, the edges of your vision gain a purple hue.

Ophis: [Need some help?]

(Y/N): Huh? Hey, about time! I'm in a pickle here.

Ophis: [I can see that. Although, you should be able to handle yourself.]

(Y/N): What?! Then why even bother asking if I need-

You lean back to dodge a way. Your running out of options. And room to move.

Ophis: [Listen, I can help you. For a price.]

You weigh the options that are available to you. And this is kinda the only one that can give you a chance.

(Y/N): Fine. What do you want?

Ophis: [Wow, you give in that easily? Here I expected you to make a counter offer.]

(Y/N): Less talking, more helping!

You block Sanageyama's sword, struggling not to lose your balance.

Sanageyama: It's over hero. Looks like your not so strong after all.

He's pushing you back. Your foot goes off the edge and you lose your balance and fall. Sanageyama chuckles and sheathed his blade.

Sanageyama: Some so called hero.

(Y/N): You want to say that again?

His eyes widen as he turns around. He looked for you. He drew his blade.

Sanageyama: What the hell?! Where are you?

(Y/N): Look up dumbass.

He does so and see you flying with two glowing purple wings.

Sanageyama: What?! How do you have wings?!

(Y/N): Gotta keep my secrets. Ready to give up?

Sanageyama: Ghhh. Never!

He jumps infront of the RV and punched the road, causing it to start breaking. Xenovia swerves and comes to a stop before she can hit the giant cracks. You fly down and land behind him.

(Y/N): Cheep move. Trying to hurt my friends to get to me means I don't have to hold back.

Sanageyama: Finally taking me seriously? Good. That means I can start fighting at full power.

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