S4 E8: From Training To Floral Teachings.

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Your pace quickened against the snow. Senketsu noticed your need to rush and amped up your speed.

(Y/N): Senkets, try and sense her. Maybe their still in the city.

Senketsu: I'll try. Just hold-.....Wait. I'm already getting something. Stop for a sec.

You do so. You see his eye looking around before it widens.

Senketsu: There! On that roof!

You look over and see a figure in all black running. Your about to act, but stop yourself.

(Y/N): ...Ghh. I can't. I need to find Koneko.

Senketsu: (Y/N), even if we did find her, what would you even do?

(Y/N): I'd kill Satsuki is what I'd do!

Senketsu: Listen (Y/N), you can't win. Not right now at least. You need to get stronger and those masters are your only way to do so. I know how you feel, but that's a death wish for the both of us if you want to just run up to Satsuki unprepared.

You fight against Senketsu's words as you struggle to make a decision. You sigh, knowing that he's right. You jump to the roof to catch up. You keep following as they turn down an ally way. You look around, having lost them from the blizzard.

(Y/N): Where did they go?

Senketsu: Take a left!

You do so and see them again. They turn their head before picking up speed.

(Y/N): Give me a boost Senkets!

In a instant your speed doubles. You try to tackle them, but they evade. You roll and get back up as the two of you stared eachother down. Then, they pulled two scissors from their hood. Your eyes widen as you see their scissor has a gem in the middle.

(Y/N): Hey wait.....your-

You lean to the side as they threw it at you. They keep doing that as you try not to get hit.

(Y/N): How many of those do they have?!

Then the gem seems to start blinking. You look to them then look back up, but the person is gone. You groan and get out of the way of the scissors as they explode into a grey cloud.

(Y/N): That was a scissor master. I felt the aura from those scissors.

Senketsu: I did as well. Luckily, I can track them better.

(Y/N): Then lead the way.

You get up and start following Senketsu's directions. You soon reach an abandoned house. Upon entering, your nose immediately gets hit with dust. You sneeze and start looking around.

(Y/N): Alright, let's hurry up. I don't want dust in my lungs.

Senketsu: Hmm.....It seems their....below us. Not just them, but one more.

(Y/N): Another one? You can tell since we're this close?

Senketsu: Indeed. Try to find the entrance.

(Y/N): Or, I can just break the floor.

You take out your scissors and slam the floor. You fall down it before landing. When you stand, you look around. It's quite the..... unexpected area.

You put your blade away and look around

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You put your blade away and look around. How is all of this under a random house? Looking around, it's like a garden. You then saw two people sitting at a table. The woman with brown hair was about to drink from her cup, but stopped. While the other's almost spilled.

???1: Ah! She's here! Good job!...... Although, you could have left the stairs active so she didn't have to break the floor.

???2: My hindsight is not the best. But, she's here at least.

Senketsu returns to normal as you walked to the two.

(Y/N): Alright, who are you two? Are you two Scissor Masters?

???1: Indeed we are! I am La Coiffe. But you may call me Coiffe. This is-

???2: Otoya Takechi

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???2: Otoya Takechi. And sorry about attacking you. It was the only way I could get you to follow.

You sigh, knowing that it was the right move to attack you

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You sigh, knowing that it was the right move to attack you.

(Y/N): No. I understand. I would have done it too. Anyway, this is your resting place right?

Coiffe: Oh, it is my resting place. Not so for Otoya. This isn't really her resting place. She is linked to me here because I had saved her from an early death.

Otoya: I died years after her. So, now I repay her for trying to save me by keeping her company.

Senketsu: Interesting. Now, to the big question. Will you train (Y/N)?

Coiffe: Of course we will! But, you'll be using your scissors for something different.

(Y/N): Like?

Your then handed some garden glove. You look at them before she continued.

Coiffe: You'll be helping out in the garden!

(Y/N): Garden?! Oh no! My blades are used for fighting. Not cutting weeds and shit.

Otoya: If you want training, then this is your training.

You groan before putting them on.

(Y/N): Fine. Let's get started already.

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