S4 E9: Training Almost Finished Already.

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With a deep breath, you put your hands on the dirt as flowers quickly blossomed. You used your shrunken scissors to cut their stems.

Otoya: Well done. Their perfect. Coiffe would love to see them.

(Y/N): Well, I'll make sure to leave some here for her to grow. But these are for Sonia.

Senketsu: Well, they look lively.

(Y/N): How do you know what's lovely or not? You have one eye.

Senketsu: Harsh. But, your right.

Otoya: Ooooo~. And who may this Sonia be?

(Y/N): She's my girlfriend. She's been under the weather ever since that blizzard randomly came by. I thought that since I was learning from a healing master and garden specialist, I would try and make her favorites.

Otoya: Wow! That's so sweet of you! Well, what are you waiting for? Go! Go! I'll tell Coiffe that you had to leave early.

You chuckle before standing on the stairs.

(Y/N): Alright alright. No need to push me.

You go up the stairs the the newly cleaned and renovated house. It's been a week since the events of Koneko's capture. Every free chance you get, you try to find something, anything that can help. But, nothing.......On the bright side, the snow stopped. It still falls sometimes, but it's fine. Our theory is that her control over the snow is caused by her current status. Ever since she started this, it's at it's worse when she feels bad. But since she's feeling better, she has more control.

(Y/N): Fuck, it's still cold as hell. Wonder if Sonia could give me some type of cold immunity.

Senketsu: Hah! Well, why don't you ask? I'm sure she'll know a way.

(Y/N): Your too sassy now. The hell got into you?

Senketsu: Your blood did. I've learned how to be more......'human'. It's thanks to you that I have more personality.

(Y/N): Well, glad to have helped.

You both share a laugh as you make it to your apartment room. You unlock it before entering.

(Y/N): Sonia, I'm back from training.

Sonia: H-hey. H-how did things-ACHOO!

Senketsu gets off of you and goes to make a pitcher of water for the flowers.

(Y/N): Went well. Seems that cold hasn't gone down either.

Sonia: Unfortunately......Sorry I can't help look for Koneko with you. It was my fault. I let her out of my sight.

You sit beside her and pull her close.

(Y/N): Hey, it's okay. It was unexpected. And they took advantage of my being unconscious. But, you showed that Sanageyama guy what for. And I'm glad you did. That means I can do some cleaning up.

She let's put a strained giggle before coughing. You lay her down and cover her with a blanket.

(Y/N): You should get a little more rest. I'll make lunch for us later.

Sonia: B-but my show's on.

(Y/N): You can watch it later. Now rest.

She sighs sadly before letting her eyes close. The strained look on her face vanished after a few minutes. You left to the kitchen as Senketsu out the flowers in water.

(Y/N): Nice going.

Senketsu: Thanks. I decided to follow along on the lessons. I could learn a few things. I may not be able to use those powers myself, but knowing the ins and outs will help me get you to master those skills quicker.

(Y/N): Hey, just remember your not just some power amplifier. What's worse is that we still haven't found out what else you can do.

You sit down on a stool as he gets on the countertop.

(Y/N): Your able to make the vents on my shoulders activate so I can get more speed. You can evolve-

Senketsu: Maybe even more.

(Y/N): Yeah. But that could be more blood then what's in my body.

Senketsu: Correct again.

(Y/N): But other then that, nothing. We know nothing else about you.

Senketsu: We can't lose hope. Mostly I can't lose hope. There has to be something else I can do.

(Y/N): Hey, I'm with you all the way.

He 'smiles' as you smile back. But then, your smile dropped as you look out the window. That aura..... it's gotta be....

Senketsu: (Y/N)? (Y/N)? What's wrong?

(Y/N): ......Get on me Senketsu.

He's confused, but he gets back into you. You leave the apartment and then get onto a roof. You run along it for a bit before you get to where you thought you had that feeling.

Senketsu: (Y/N), what are you trying to find? I don't see or sense anything.

???: That's because your not using your eyes.

You look over onto a slightly taller building, seeing her standing there.

???: Your right where I want you.

You grit your teeth and stare them down. Being closer to them.....their aura is completely different....

(Y/N): .....Koneko......What did she do to you......

Koneko: I've been reborn into something more

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Koneko: I've been reborn into something more. Something a human like you could never understand. My master had enhanced this body to new heights. I'm stronger.....faster....better! Not to mention this Sacred Gear. Is this really how it feels? To wear clothing that perfectly hugs your body. Every curve......the tightness of it pressing against my soft skin...... It's amazing!

Your entire being starts getting filled with anger. Satsuki will pay. She'll pay......

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