S5 E6: Deep Problems (Xenovia POV)

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It's been a week or so since we got to the heart of Satsuki's operations. And still no sign of any Excaliburs. At this point I don't think that mission even matters at this point. And we're about to find out what this mission is.

Xenovia: So you've called us here to give us the run down on Satsuki correct?

Inumuta: Correct. I managed to hack into her personal computer with no issue. And I found something that she didn't even let us know.

Iori: Start spilling.

Inumuta: Well, first she-.......You all might want to look away.

Taking the hint, we turn away so he can do his eye thing. It still gives me the creeps. He taps the table as we turn back.

Nonon: Now that we didn't see that creepy ass shit, continue.

Inumuta: Right. Now then, as I was saying. There are many reasons to what Satsuki was planning. Firstly, her plan is to open the Morningstar's seal.

Irina: The Morningstar? What's that?

Iori: The Morningstar is a being of power far beyond anything in either Earth, Heaven or Hell. It was sealed away after almost opening a portal to reach Earth directly.

Sona: I've read a bit about it. But informations is so limited.

Inumuta: Exactly why I'm here.

Xenovia: Okay, but how does she break this seal? It has to be basically air tight. Right?

Inumuta: Indeed. But, it can be broken. And she found a way.

Iori: So you gonna keep dancing around it or just tell us?

He sighs as his eye projected an image.

Inumuta: From what was found out, Koneko has a Sacred Gear.

Irina: Wait really? But she's never shown us before.

Sona: That's because she doesn't have one.

Inumuta: On the contrary. She does indeed.

That..... can't be right.....Why would she keep her Sacred Gear hidden? Did it just not manifest? Or is it too powerful to control? Maybe it's a passive effect.....But that is really rare. Twilight Healing was bearly a passive Gear with how it worked.

Xenovia: So your saying she had one all this time?

Inumuta: Exactly. And it's a special one.

Nonon: Okay, I get that Sacred Gears are unique and all, but what makes her's more special that Satsuki just HAD to have her?

Inumuta: Because of her heritage. The Gear can only be gained by a Nekomata born into an all female clan.

Xenovia: Really? That specific? Well, it has to be on par with Senketsu or something in order to be useful in opening the gate.

Sona cleared her throat and got our attention.

Sona: I'm sorry.....But that can't be possible.

Nonon: How come? He's not wrong. I had saw the data myself.

Sona: That's.......Well...... It's because.... She's.... actually a he.

A....he? Is that right?.....No, it can't be. She's a girl. That can't be right.....

Xenovia: Are you sure about that? She clearly can't be a guy. Plus, Inumuta just said that the Sacred Gear Satsuki is looking for is only from a all female clan of Nekos.

Sona: I know what he said. But it is impossible. Are you sure that it's "Born in a all Female clan" and not "Born male in an all Female clan"?

Nonon: Are you hearing yourself? That impossible.

Sona: Not impossible. But likely. They could be like (Y/N).

Like (Y/N)? But what could that.....

Xenovia: What do you mean? What could be related to that and sis?

She reached into her bag and put a book on the table as she opened it to a page. We all looked closer as she began to explain.

Sona: The reason I think that what Inumuta says is partly wrong because maybe one of her parents was a 'Futanari'.

Nonon: Futawhat?

Sona: It's quite the story. But to put it short, it's someone who is born with an X, Y and the Z Chromosome.

Irina: Z? Was I not paying attention enough back in middle school to remember that?

Inumuta: I have heard of no such thing. What does this relate to what I've said?

Sona had sighed before flipping a few pages.

Sona: The Z Chromosome is rare. It can only be passed by others that have this chromosome. Their known as Futanari, or Futa or short. There is a 10% chance that a child born with or by a futa that their child will also be one. There's a 40% chance that their male and 50% chance of being female.

Irina: Whoa whoa whoa. My brain can't keep up with what your saying.

Nonon: Hold on. So your saying that there's a chance that her mother.....or one of her mothers if she has two, are futas?

Sona: Probably one of them. A futa cannot impregnate another futa. It's a failsafe in their genes to prevent this.

Xenovia: Wait, I still have questions. When you brought up sis and Koneko's potential parents, you brought this futa stuff up. Are you saying that sis is one of them?

She stayed silent to my question. Is.....is sis.....is (Y/N)....

Xenovia: So....is...Is (Y/N).... She's one of them?

Sona: .....So she didn't tell you? I would have expected you to know.

Xenovia: Of course I didn't know. She never brought it up. I could only assume that she was just any normal girl.

Iori: Sorry to cut this short, but I don't think we have the time for a massive lore dump. Get to your point already.

Inumuta: He's right. We need to find out not only what this Sacred Gear is but how to stop Satsuki.

Sona: Right right. Well, firstly, we need to know more about Morningstar's gate and what could break the seal.

Inumuta: I'll start on research to see what that Sacred Gear could be. In the mean time, Nonon, I need you to go around and do your thing.

Nonon: Don't have to tell me twice. I was getting a bit anxious anyway. I'll see what I can find.

In a pink flash, she left the table.

Xenovia: I still can't let that slide. Sona, is sister......Is (Y/N) a futa? I need a direct answer.

Sona: ......Yes. Yes she is. Does that make you feel any different about her?

Xenovia: No. At least, I don't st the moment. I don't know about these.....futa or whatever. But she's still my sister. I support her. And I want to know more about what she is. Does she know?

Sona: She knows she has a dick. But she only knows that she's human. She's special. More then you would think.

Irina: Special? Aren't they like us?

Sona: Hehehe. Oh, it's quite something. While those two are busy, sit around my children~. For I will tell you a tale. The Tale of Atlantis.

Irina sits down with a smile on her face and a look of pure joy. I shake my head before sitting beside her.

Xenovia: Atlantis? The sunken city?

Sona: It was never always sunken.

Xenovia: But what does Atlantis have to do with (Y/N)'s race?

Sona: I'm telling you the real story of Atlantis. How hush.

Irina: Yeah Xeno! Shhh!

I huff before staying silent, wanting to know more about this forgotten history.

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