S1 E6: An Angelic Nun And A Fallen Rematch! (Part 2)

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A few days have passed since you talked with Mikisugi in private. It didn't help that you still were on edge about Raynare. What she's doing with Asia? Why is Asia involved in it? Another Kamui Sacred Gear? Could the person be good or bad? All these thoughts kept bothering her.

Senketsu: {(Y/N), I know your worried, but you can't dwell on this. Just rest for now. If your too worked up, then you'll act irrationally.}

(Y/N): [I know I know. But.....I just can't help but be worried. About this Junketsu and about Asia.]

Senketsu: {Don't worry. We'll stop Raynare and save Asia. Maybe we can find this Junketsu along the way.}

(Y/N): [Yeah......Yeah. And I need to give her some payback for stabbing me back then. But for now, I just need to relax.]

You take the time to go to the park. You look up at the night sky and see the moon. Something about it is just....enticing.

(Y/N): [The moon is always beautiful on a starry night.]

Senketsu: {You must have a interest in the moon.}

(Y/N): [Yeah...... I've always found it interesting. I've always wondered what it felt like.]

You reach up as your hand covers the moon from your vision.

(Y/N): [To be able to go there.......Just once.]

You sigh and lay your hand to your side.

Your phone starts ringing, but you ignore it.

Senketsu: {Aren't you going to answer that?}

(Y/N): [It's probably not important.]

Senketsu uses some of his fabric to grab your phone out of your pocket and hold it to his eye.

Senketsu: {It's from Rias. Could it be important?}

(Y/N): [Na.... It's probably nothing.]

He sighs before answering the phone and holding it up to your ear. You sigh.

(Y/N): What do you want Rias?

Rias: (Y/N), come to the church immediately! We found out Raynare's plan!

You sit up before your face got serious.

(Y/N): I'm on my way. Anything I need to know?

Rias: There is a barrier up. Right now we're fighting three fallen angels right now. When we defeat them, then the barrier will fall. Just get here.

(Y/N): Right.

You hang up before standing.

(Y/N): You heard her. Let's go Senketsu!

She pulls the dagger out of her glove as she transformed. She then starts running to the church, ready to stop Raynare once and for all.

It wasn't long before you sense three fallen angles and two devils.

(Y/N): That must be Rias and one of her members. We need to take out those fallen.

Senketsu: {Want to try that technique we learned?}

(Y/N): You bet!

You keep running as Senketsu activated the jets on her back as she glides across the ground while her Scissor Blades extend.

(Y/N)&Senketsu: Scissor Blades: Duel Decapitation Mode!

As you get closer, you can see Rias and who you know can tell is Akeno fighting three angles.

Living Clothing In A World Full Of Devils (Female Ryuko reader X Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now