S3 E7: An Elite Encounter!....A Friendly Encounter?!

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You and Sona looked up at the Pink haired girl as she jumped from the tree and landed in front of the two of you.

(Y/N): Who are you? Are you one of those Elites that Inumuta guy was talking about?

Nonon: Well, yes but at this point, not entirely.

(Y/N): So then who are you? What are you doing to Senketsu?

Nonon: So that's it's name? Well, my name is Nonon Jakuzure. You can call me Nonon. Or, if your into the sort of thing, I can be called toy~.

You mentally and physically shutter.

(Y/N): I think I'll pass.

Sons: What are you doing here? If you are looking for a fight, then we will happily fight you.

Nonon: No no no. I didn't come for that. I actually think your pretty cute~. So, I wanted to be a friend, not an enemy. And besides, they don't know that I'm out here. I actually have a gift.

(Y/N): A.....gift?

Your really sceptical about this so called gift. She handed you the bag she had. On looking inside, you see alot of candies.

(Y/N): Candy?

Sona: Candy from Hell to be exact. But why be so nice?

Nonon: Like I said, I think your cute. Although, I can't be an ally right now like you would wish. Maybe another day I'll let you have me.

(Y/N): Your being really honest for someone who had a friend try to kill me.

Nonon: Friend? Him? Ugh, don't get me started. I'm not their friends. I thought I could find the one while I was with them. But the three of them are just so annoying and Satsuki, even though she's beautiful, she's too stubborn and can be a real pain like the rest of them. But you, your neat. And cute. And you gave Inumuta a beating. So, you earned my respect.

(Y/N): Uhh....Thanks I guess. Is this really all you came for? Go compliment me and give me candy?

Nonon: Basically. Oh! And another one of those goons are going to find you and come for you. I'll try and keep you up to date on that. But for now, goodbye!

She glows pink before vanishing. You and Sona stand there in disbelief.

(Y/N): That was.....weird.

Sona: Your telling me. Let's get back.

(Y/N): Yeah. Guess we could take a load off. Maybe try some of these candies.

Sona: Oh! There's actually some good ones in here. At the bear minimum, she has good tastes.

(Y/N): Well, your gonna have to show me which ones are good.

The two of you make your way back and see Koneko sparing with Irina.

(Y/N): Hey, were back.

Xenovia: Oh hey. So, did you two settle things?

Sona: Sadly, we got interrupted. But, I know that she already has her answer.

(Y/N): Also, I have candy.

There was a big thud behind you. You turn and see Irina with her face in the dirt and Koneko was standing behind you.

Koneko: Candy? You have candy?

You chuckle and pat her head.

(Y/N): Yes, I have candy. Come on. We'll let Xenovia handle her, since you kinda knocked her out.

The three of you enter the RV as Xenovia sighed. When you entered, you put the bag on the floor as you layed on the bed. Sona got beside you and moved your head to her lap while Koneko sat in your stomach.

(Y/N): Do you mind?

Koneko: Yes.

(Y/N): Sometimes I hate you.

Koneko: You'll be fine.

You sigh as Sona held a chocolate to your mouth. You gladly open up and eat it. Koneko had also taken something from the bag and started eating it.

Koneko: So, what were you two doing?

(Y/N): Just sparring. Nothing much.

Sona: Also, I'm sure she made her decision Koneko.

Saying that, the white haired girl blushed and turned away.

(Y/N): Hey, don't worry. I think I could find a way to get those two away for that.

Your fed another chocolate.

(Y/N): Man, these are really good. Who knew Hell had good chocolate.

Sona: You'd be surprised. We do stuff better then the human world.

(Y/N): Not surprised.

You open your mouth to have another. Sona smirked and out it on her tongue. You smirk and sit up.

(Y/N): Hope you don't mind Koneko~.

You put a hand behind her head a kiss her. Both of your tongues start fighting for the chocolate. Said white haired girl couldn't pull her head away, even when a blush came to her face. She couldn't stop looking. You pulled away from her as the two of you were breathing heavily. Your eyes want to Koneko as she met yours.

When the sound of the RV door opening, you two return to how you were normally.

Xenovia: Hey guys. Me and Irina are going back to the town to grab some things. Want anything?

(Y/N): Get me some chips.

Sona: Pick up some cake mix will you? I plan to bake a cake if (Y/N) finishes her training.

Xenovia: I'll write those down. Anything for you Koneko?

Koneko: N-no no. I'm fine.

Xenovia: Alright. Be back soon!

She closes the door. You can still hear the two for a bit before their gone. When they are, you sit up and look at Koneko. You grin and Sona licks her lips.

(Y/N): Come closer Kitty~. I have a promise to keep~.

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