S2 E7C: Not Even My Words Were Enough...(Rias POV)

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(So in 7B I said I might do another follow up, so I decided to do one. Remember, put yourself in Rias' shoes and not your own. We're not looking through your eyes.)


After the events at the Rating Game, everyone returns to Issei's house. Everyone was saddened by Asia's death. I, for one, feel more at fault for letting my own bishop be killed. She wouldn't listen. I told her it was dangerous to go out and protect (Y/N). But no matter what I said, she still wanted to protect her. I'm a terrible King and a terrible friend. If only I could have stopped her, maybe even taken her place then maybe-

Issei: Rias!

I'm shocked out of my thoughts. Right, I'm at Issei's place with everyone. I shouldn't space out. Everyone probably has questions and need answers.

Rias: Right right. Sorry. I was......Lost in thought.

Kiba: It's fine. After today's events.....I think we do deserve some time to think.

Issei: Rias, I want to ask you something. Why did you let Asia go to (Y/N)?

Taking a deep breath, I let my mind gather before explaining.

Rias: I didn't. I was highly against her going out there. I know she was going to get hurt, but not killed. She kept pleading for me to let her out there. But I denied and denied and denied. But then-


Asia: Why won't you let me go to her?!

Rias: Because you could get hurt! Asia, you have to understand that only (Y/N) can fight her. You have to stay here.

Asia: But what if she dies? What if she dies and we can't try to save her?

Rias: I wish I could do more, but with the rules in place, I have it stay here. And your not a fighter. I know she's our friend.....but if she dies then....

There is silence between us. It was until her back tuned to me as she spoke.

Asia: She can't die. I can't let her die.

Rias: Asia, don't-

Asia: I'm sorry Rias. But she can't die. She has things to do.


Rias: And.......I couldn't stop her form there. She.....she just ran out......And now.....

Akeno: It's okay. We understand how it must feel.

Koneko: She's right. Asia had her mind made up. We all couldn't have produced her. And, I can understand Why she would do that. But she didn't have to go that far.

I can't hold my tears any longer. I cover my face with my hands. I'm unable to hear everyone else talking.

Kiba: What do we do? Rias is definitely going to be out for a while and we have no idea how (Y/N) is doing.

Akeno: She's probably not doing well. She saw her death first hand. She has the biggest weight on her shoulders.

Issei: Well, we need to think of something to get both of them out of their ruts. More importantly, we might not see Satsuki for the last time.

Koneko: He's right. Satsuki would definitely want revenge. Same thing with Riser. Their both a problem.

Issei: Well, I'll make sure to protect Rias from him. I know he'll try something again soon. And when he does, I'll be ready.

Koneko: Agreed. But for now, we should let Rias rest.

Akeno: Come on Rias. Up~. Up~. Let's get you to a nice and comfy bed. You should be exhausted.

I keep getting this feeling that something terrible just happened. It sends a chill down my spine.....

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