S5 E5: New Upgrade = New Improvements

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Iori: That should do it.

(Y/N): How are you feeling Senkets?

Senketsu: Better then ever! I'm feeling great!

Iori: He was actually rather easy to upgrade. His fabric and strings were able to bend and shape more easily then whatever Junketsu is made out of.

(Y/N): Guess that is because of our bond.

Iori: Anyway, you can put him on and step into the room so I can view my Improvements first hand.

(Y/N): I want to know what you did as well. Come back home Senkets.

He jumps on and attached to you. He feels quite warm. Warmer then ever.

(Y/N): Man, your warmer then normal. Did you get ironed or something?

Senketsu: No. I can feel what you mean, but I don't know how to describe it.

You enter the room and look to the one way window.

Iori: Alright. I'm gonna give you some targets to attack. Just do your normal thing.

(Y/N): Don't have to tell me twice. Sacred Gear Synchronize! Kamui Senketsu!

Upon transforming, Senketsu went into his Accession state immediately. You felt a surge of power go through you as you fail to catch you balance multiple times.

(Y/N): Woah! Easy Senkets! Put more weight on my back!

Senketsu: I'm trying! I don't know where to put more or less weight!

After falling and standing back up over and over, Senketsu finally balanced you out.

(Y/N): Alright. I think we're ready Iori.

Iori: Alright. Give these a shot.

You summon your Scissors and dash forward. But you crash face first into the wall. Iori sighs and shakes his head.

Iori: This is going to take longer then expected.

(Y/N): I heard that!


(Y/N): Ugh! I'm exhausted!

You fall face first on your bed. After hours of you and Senketsu trying to link up with his new found strength. With your new base form being a higher state, it was hard to adapt without feeling the drain from being in that form over your old base form. Rolling onto your back and looking around, it wasn't a fancy room, but it was well furnished for just one guy.

Sona: Tired?

(Y/N): Most definitely.

You looked up and saw Sona entering the room in only a towel. She walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

(Y/N): Guess you showered after I did.

Sona: Indeed. I knew you would want one after training. I could hear you hitting the wall down there.

(Y/N): It took way to long to control my speed. You wouldn't believe me.

Sona: Of course I'd believe you. I mean, from what I've seen of you now, you having problems would be a given.

(Y/N): I feel hurt.

You two laugh before she removed her towel and let it fall to the floor. She layed beside you as you wrapped your arms around her.

(Y/N): Not gonna put on clothes?

Sona: Do I have to?

(Y/N): Not if you don't try anything~.

Sona: Oh please. I should be telling you that.

You chuckle before forcing her head into your chest.

(Y/N): Shut up and sleep. You and your teasing nature.

You turned the lamp off before resting. As you let your eyes close, you feel poking on your cheek. When you open then, your back inside your head.

Nui: Morning sleepyhead!

(Y/N): How are you still here? And what are you doing here?

Nui: 1; I don't know! 2; I don't know! I just come to bug you.

You sigh and stand up. Looking around, it's still as bland as always. And it seems like Ophis really left.

(Y/N): So Ophis did leave like she said.

Kisaragi: She did. But, she is not needed.

You can only half agree with that. But at the same time, you want to ask her some more question.

(Y/N): I still want to ask her some things. I still want some answers.

Ophis: Then I will have them for you.

You turn and look up, seeing her floating above you.

Kisaragi: I thought I said to never return.

Ophis: But I have come to listen to a potential request. Now then, what is your question?

(Y/N): Back then, you said that I wasn't ready. What were you trying to tell me?

Ophis: Oh. That was simple. The challenge you would face against Satsuki will be not as simple as you think.

(Y/N): What do you mean by that? What could make her so powerful so fast?

Ophis: ......Just know, you need more power.

That wasn't helpful in the slightest. But, that does let you know she has some type of secret to getting stronger.

(Y/N): How do I get stronger then? If I need to reach even higher to beat her, then what do I need?

She started at you before closing her eyes. She held out her hand as a serpent markings formed up her arm.

Ophis: I give you an offer. Let us remake our deal.

You give her a skeptical look at first. But, you have a feeling there is some important fine print here.

(Y/N): Alright. But, I want to start this deal first this time.

Ophis: Oh?

Kisaragi: I do not advise trusting her. Did you forget last time?

(Y/N): I didn't. But this time, I decide how this deal goes. First off, you are to always listen to my command. My every command.

Ophis: A dominant one are you?

(Y/N): It's to make sure you don't keep me here like last time.

Ophis: Hmmm....I guess I could let that slide.

(Y/N): Secondly, I need all access to your powers.

Ophis: Are you sure you can handle them?

(Y/N): I wouldn't be asking if I didn't have a way.

You hold out your hand to her. This time it's her that looks skeptical. She landed infront of you and shook your hand. The markings on her arm vanished as you feel her familiar energy flow in you.

Ophis: I accept your conditions. And if at any point you feel like I stepped out of line, you have all rights to cancel our deal.

(Y/N): I hope I won't have to if you behave.

Ophis: I can't keep that very well, but I'll try.

(Y/N): Now then. Teach me your powers. All of them. For real this time.

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