S5 E1: And Things Keep Moving

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(Y/N): Is that everything?

Sona: Should be.

(Y/N): Then let's get moving. No time to waste.

Otoya: My first time leaving the city.....Is it alright to get excited?

Irina: Most definitely! Now let's go!

Everyone got in, but you stopped and looked around.

(Y/N): We're Raynare? I haven't heard from her since I woke up

Senketsu: Your right. I haven't seen her either. Strange.

Sona: Something wrong (Y/N)?

Your not able to follow up on your thoughts. You nod before stepping on.

(Y/N): Yeah. You know where Raynare is?

That got her thinking. And by the look on her face, she doesn't know either.

(Y/N): Hey sis. You've been watching the longest. You know where Raynare went?

Xenovia: I don't. Ever since she helped us unpack, she just left.

Sona: I had a feeling she couldn't be trusted.

She walked to the sofa and sat down and crossing her arms.

Sona: She just up and vanished after helping. Not only that, but if she had noticed the snow storm I caused then she would have came back for answers. That means she ditched us to do her own thing. When we find her I'm gonna-

(Y/N): Settle down. Your not doing anything to her if we do find where she is.

Otoya: Who's this Raynare person?

(Y/N): A fallen angel. She's.....someone I trust. And I say trust loosely.

Sona: And she's someone I hate. Now more then ever.

The purple haired girl seem to go into thought before her eyes widen.

Otoya: Fallen you say? I think I saw one flying out of the city.

Irina: You know where she went?

Otoya: No. Fallen angels don't come to the city. There's nothing for them. So if one did come here, it had to be because of someone.

Everyone seemed to think about this before an idea came to your head.

(Y/N): She couldn't have.....

Irina: What? She couldn't what?

Senketsu: (Y/N), I know exactly what your thinking. And I have the same speculation.

Sona: What speculation?

(Y/N): None of you saw Koneko after she wondered off. Same with Raynare. There is a possibility........This could just be a hunch since her motives are still unknown.....But maybe she followed the person that took Koneko.

Xenovia: That's.....not unlikely. But why would she go alone is my question.

Senketsu: That's the answer we won't get until we find her.

(Y/N): We need to find her hideout. Somehow.

Silence then passed over all of you. The more you think about this, the worse every outcome can get. You look out the window, hoping........praying that you can fix Koneko....


Elsewhere, Koneko and Gamagōri were sparring. To the side, Inumuta and Satsuki we're watching over her vitals and her Kamui readings.

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