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Hello there :-D
Did you miss me? Lol


Seokjin heard the approaching hell and moved quickly towards his husband, almost on autopilot. He knew his husband was badly injured from the amount of blood flowing down his body and into the carpet and over the marble floor. If Namjoon wasn't dead already, he would be soon.

He held Namjoon as the latter fell down, clutching at his neck. A bullet to the neck, Seokjin assessed.

"Run." Namjoon wheezed at him, more blood pouring out as he spoke, or rather tried to.

"Don't speak." Seokjin reprimanded sternly. He wished he could panic but didn't have that luxury at the moment.

He moved quickly to grab his silk night attire. He fashioned the shirt into a strip by folding it and tied it across his neck.

He then picked Namjoon up bridal style and groaned when the wound on his bicep bled as a result of strain and the added weight. He had almost forgotten about his wound but he didn't have enough time to tourniquet himself. Just as he exited their room, a fire charge hit it and the walls collapsed in on each other, leaving the room in shambles.

He ran as fast as he could with someone in his arms and reached downstairs as everything above broke and started to fall down in a rain of boulders.

He moved away from the rubble and started to run towards the base tents, medic on his mind.

"Surrender." Namjoon tugged at his collar.

"No, you need medical attention-"

"People," Namjoon interrupted him, "save our peop…" he couldn't finish the rest as his eyes closed.

"No, no, no," Seokjin screamed at him, "stay awake, we'll save them." He then redirected himself towards the Kookmin army and approached them.

"We surrender!" His voice boomed, causing people in his immediate vicinity to halt their warfare.

"We surrender but get me a medic quick!" He tried a little softer now that he had their attention.

A soldier emerged from the wall of soldiers and his uniform gave away his title. He was someone of authority.

"Why? You're going to be executed anyway." He smirked at them.

"He needs to survive until then!" Seokjin glared at him, mentally strangling the man with his bare hands. Or he might just do that when he gets a chance to.

The officer chuckled and called for a medic and four of them arrived. They quickly started to look over Namjoon as Seokjin put him down on the ground and moved a bit away to give them room to work but still keeping them in his line of sight.

"It grazed him and took out a vein but the bleeding was controlled quickly," one of them — the head doctor — said. They assessed him some more over the rest of his body. 

"He will survive." Another medic declared.

"Oh thank you, thank you." Seokjin kneeled down as he finally cried out and watched on as the medics cleaned up the wound and started treating it.

"You're injured too." One of them looked towards him and eyed his bicep.

"It's okay, treat him first." Seokjin replied.

"Did the bullet exit the wound?" He already moved away from the rest of his colleagues and approached Seokjin.

"I don't know," the king looked every bit irritated, "treat my husband first."

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