I Am Sorry

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(Not proofread.)

Seokjin returned to find his husband sitting on floor, surrounded by his two sons, who seem to be trying to comfort their father. He simply walked towards him and pulled him up before dragging him away, leaving their sons to contemplate on what the fuck is going to happen next. 

The King basically dragged his husband behind him and finally shut the door behind them when they entered the King's office. 

"He knows" Seokjin said, expression angry. 

Namjoon looked at him with raised eyebrows, already slumped against his chair. 

"No" his voice cracked, "we should have never taken Taemin along, he took a liking to him" Namjoon said. 

"Even if he could have, something is wrong with Jimin, I could see it in his eyes. He is..." Seokjin paused, recalling the helpless look in the poor servant boy's eyes, "...he looks like he's dead inside. Something happened between him and the Commander" he ended as he neared his husband. 

"Whatever it is, it must have been Jimin's fault" Namjoon said and buried his fingers into his hair, only to pull on them. 

"Are you being fucking serious right now?!" Seokjin lost his cool. 

Namjoon looked up at his husband, not understanding why is he mad at him. 

"He sacrificed everything for us! For our son! Give him some damn credit" he seethed and Namjoon grit his teeth. 

"Didn't quite work, did it?!" He bit back. 

"You were the one to plan it!" Seokjin practically screamed at his husband, probably for the first time in this decade. He was being unbelievable. 

"That's it!" Namjoon seemed to come to some realisation after his hair-pulling thinking session. 

"That's what?" Seokjin followed after as Namjoon moved towards his drawers. 

When his husband didn't answer he said,

"Don't you fucking dare do anything ever again without consulting with me!" He reminded him of his previous mistake. 

Namjoon sighed and stopped writing on the paper. 

"It's not been long since they left, they would be still on our territory, I'll take them out" he answered, seeming sure of his decision. 

"You are not taking anyone out!" Seokjin screamed and lurched towards his husband to snatch the paper from him. Namjoon simply moved away and raised his hand high up, paper far away from Seokjin's reach. 

"You will not kill Jimin along with them! You can't be that heartless" Seokjin glared at him, not afraid to show his disdain. 

"I have no other choice! How else am I supposed to save my son?!" Namjoon finally raised his voice and looked every bit deranged with his wild eyes, laboured breathing and disheveled hair. 

"Go ahead then, and do fucking expect the supreme leader of kookmin land to send his hellhound of an army to avenge his son's death. They will even have a head start with their troops already here" Seokjin laid down the facts for his husband. 

"We'll fight them! We'll gather more troops, everyone will fight" Namjoon seemed hopeful. 

"Good luck then, I won't be by your side anymore" Seokjin turned around to leave, but was immediately stopped by Namjoon's hand on his forearm. Seokjin turned around, ready to have another screaming match but his words stuck in his throat when he saw tears fall down Namjoon's beautiful, sad eyes. 

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