Teach Me

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Author's POV:

•Not Proofread•

Jimin blushed scarlet and moved further away from Jungkook, stupefied at his own actions. At that moment it only felt natural, now it turned awkward as Jungkook didn't return his smile. Jimin felt that he over stepped his boundaries. He looked around and found half of the people gaping at them. Before Jimin could open his mouth to apologize, Jungkook took his paw into his hand and started dragging them inside the castle.

Jimin looked back to find everyone's mouths hung open.

“I apologize for my brazen behaviour” Jimin tugged at the hand holding his.

“Don't mind them, they're just surprised to see something like this” Jungkook halted and turned around to answer.

His gaze was dominant, seemingly commanding for Jimin to relax. Jimin could only nod at him, getting lost in those swirling black orbs.

Jimin's blush was steadily increasing as they ascended the stairs up till their room hand-in-hand. Jimin's paw was set on fire, the hotness surprisingly comforting. Once inside their room, Jungkook reluctantly let go of his blushing mess of a husband's hand. He went straight to the bathroom while Jimin plopped on his bed. Jimin rubbed his hand which was in Jungkook's and let out a small squeal.

All these experiences were new to him and he couldn't help but fanboy over every little thing that happened in the past few minutes: his husband's arrival after so long, getting relieved to see him unharmed, hugging him for the first time, being in such proximity that he could smell the comforting musk. Lastly, having his large, warm hand holding his publicly and seemingly accepting him.

Jimin was unadmittedly hurt by Jungkook's ignorant behaviour before, but now all that hurt was replaced by happiness and that swirling goodness in his stomach. Jimin was immediately reminded of asking to share the same bedroom. At that thought, his nerves went into overdrive. He has never shared a bed with anyone, let alone a handsome man like Jungkook.

“Taemin” he heard and turned to see Jungkook wiping his hair with a towel. He was dressed in sleep attire.

“Minnie” Jimin corrected him, effectively fighting off the urge to cringe.

“Minnie” cocked his eyebrow with an amused expression, “ have you eaten lunch?” he continued disposing off the towel on a dresser.

“No” Jimin got up answering.

“Let's go” Jungkook said and walked out the door, Jimin following in his footsteps with a small smile.

He had really missed seeing Jungkook and was super glad that he's back. At the table, Jimin witnessed Jungkook practically breathing down all the food; he tried hard to cage a giggle and succeeded. It would be extremely disrespectful to laugh at his husband's state.

After finishing lunch, Jimin followed Jungkook up and saw him getting in bed.

“Um you should rest, I'll leave” Jimin turned around to go but something held him back; turning around he saw Jungkook holding his wrist.

“Stay” Jungkook said, face expressionless.

“Okay” Jimin whispered and sat down next to Jungkook, back resting against the headboard.

' This is so awkward, say something!'  Jimin's mind urged.

“Congratulations on your victory” Jimin said after thinking of what to say.

“Thank you” Jungkook said and Jimin turned to see Jungkook was already staring at him.

' Oh God, why is he staring? Please don't find out I went through your maps'Jimin thought.

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