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★ Author's note:


I last updated this book on 28th October 2021 (⁠─⁠.⁠─⁠|⁠|⁠)

I have no excuses, it just happened as such. I'd be surprised if more than 10 people read this lmao.

Anyway, a gigantic shout-out to the very lovely KibaNaru-Kun for reminding me that setting a deadline for yourself does really get your ass motivated enough. Please do check out his profile, he genuinely writes such fun and interesting stories.

And without much further ado!

★ A month later:

Merie awoke to the sound of something small hitting the glass window of her bedroom. Bewildered, she got up and opened the window. She looked around after opening it and then looked down, gasping as she saw the soldier they had arrested. The one who had followed along when she had brought Jihyun from Taniland to Kookmin land for safety.

"Will you at least listen to me?" He yelled out and Merie sighed before she closed the window and drew the curtains, ignoring his protests.

'Certainly don't need him,' she thought to herself.

Shortly after the supreme leader -Jungshin- had pardoned everyone, the soldier too was given the same verdict as the royal Kim family. Since then he had tried talking to Merie about what happened between them. He was angry at her betrayal, but later on he found that she was just being loyal to her own land, which then impressed him. Besides, he couldn't stand her charms. Therefore, Jinyoung had decided he would court Merie. Of course, actually doing that proved to be very difficult as she seemed to completely ignore him and his existence, too busy doing her job. Luckily for him - and unluckily for her - Jinyoung was quite determined and persistent.

★ Same morning, Taehyung's room in the Jeon castle:

"An apology breakfast-in-bed?" Yoongi set down a small table with fresh breakfast in Taehyung's bed. Said man stretched and sat up, smiling brightly at his husband-to-be. Yoongi had been continuously apologising to his boyfriend since he got to know he was pregnant with his child when he cruelly dragged him and put in a cell. Albeit he was rightfully angry then, he still regretted treating him as such. So, he had decided he would dedicate the rest of his life in loving and cherishing Taehyung and their child.

"Mm, this is amazing." Taehyung downright moaned as he ate breakfast. Yoongi looked on proudly, loving the glow Taehyung seemed to exude.

"Darling," Taehyung looked up at him, "how about tomorrow?"

Taehyung sighed, wiped his mouth with the napkin and then got up and walked towards Yoongi, before he leaned down and pecked Yoongi's lips, who sat at the end of the bed.

"Okay, let's do it!" At his words, Yoongi showed his gummy smile, ecstatic and proceeded to kiss him. He had the wedding plans ready for weeks now but was waiting for Taehyung's green light. Finally, that moment had arrived.

★ The Jeon's bedroom:

"Ah, Jungkook," Jimin moaned out, his voice hoarse. Jungkook kept moving his hips at a leisure pace, not ready to let his husband go anywhere anytime soon, regardless of half of the night spent making love to him.

"Pretty little Angel," Jungkook whispered as he held Jimin's face in his palm, the other hand held him above Jimin, while the latter's legs were around his waist. He continued snapping his hips and whispered compliments in Jimin's skin, loving how his husband softly panted and moaned in reaction.

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