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{Not Proofread}

✨ Welcome Beautiful_Tempter as Merie ✨


Kim Palace,

Merie Richards looked on as the royal Kim family dined. She was sent by her commander to infiltrate this land as a maid, a sufficient, trained maid who also spies when no one's around. What she gathered for the past week was that the Kim's were a bland bunch, uptight and polite. As expected from royals, but the general surrounding made her sick. 

"Eat more sweetie" she heard King Seokjin say to a small boy, whom she knew was adopted. 

"Yes, you're barely eating" the other King supplied while another boy filled up Jihyun's plate. 

She didn't know much about the other boy, except that he was the son of a long distant relative, possibly an orphan, thus living with them for so long.

As the dinner concluded, the other maids started to clean up the table. As for Merie, she had other plans. She quietly slinked back and out of the huge double spruce wooden doors. She followed the chattering Kim couple, footsteps as soundless as a cat on a hunt. 

"He misses his brother, can't blame him you know," Seokjin said to Namjoon, who sighed. 

"I cannot do anything here, you read the letter he sent" Namjoon's voice sounded irate. 

"He wants to come back!" Seokjin sounded equally enraged. 

"Enough love" Namjoon's voice turned softer, he then guided his husband inside their bedroom by placing his hand on the handsome man's back. 

Merie grit her teeth, just the time for them to enter their bedroom when she could have heard more of the conversation. Resolved, she moved towards the huge door and fished around to hear at least whispers, but unfortunately, she couldn't hear a thing. 

'Damn these thick doors' her displeasure was clear on her visage. 

Walking away, her feet automatically took her towards the opposite wing where the Kim siblings resided. Quickly she noticed that one of the doors stayed open, light fluttering out and illuminating the corridor. Along with the light, sounds of laughter were heard. She moved closer in stealth and hid at the side, ready to eavesdrop on their conversations. From what she deducted, there were three boys in the room, which she knew by voice were the two Kim siblings and their cousin. 

"Run! The tickle monster is approaching again" shouted the cousin while she heard a squeal from the youngest. 

Another voice growled, imitating a monster. Amidst all the yelling, squealing and pitter-patter of feet, Merie heard the sad whispered voice of the youngest boy saying: 

"I wish Minnie was here…" 


Next Day: 

Jungkook alternated his gaze between the rearview mirror and the dirt road while driving to the designated spot for meeting his mole. She had called an emergency meeting and Jungkook was itching to piece more clues together. He quickly reiterated all the information he had gathered as of yet. He knew enough, but he was waiting for the perfect moment where he can catch his husband red-handed. 

Reaching the spot, he got down and lit up a cigarette. Since the revelation of his husband's actions dawned on him, he had been smoking more due to the increased stress. A rustling at the left side alarmed him and he turned towards the source. 

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