First Kiss

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Jimin's POV:

I arrived at this castle a week ago and stayed at a room at the ground floor. People here lived upto their reputation. They were cold, calculated and precise. Exception were a few maids, mostly the elderly ones who tried their best to make me feel comfortable living in this foreign land. I had this constant fear that they will somehow find out that I'm not the person they expected and will brutally end my useless existence. In those fearful moments I actually considered running away but realized that a war could ensue if I did so.

I'm not the one for war and violence.

Furthermore, I'm glad that I did this to save Taehyung's life. He's the closest person in my life besides my brother. I'll gladly give up my life for them both. Saving Taehyung's life was also a service to my own kingdom, that I am proud to do so. For once, I was useful.

Today was the dreaded day. I was going to marry the ruthless heir of President Jeon. I've heard way too many fear inducing stories about him to make me vomit my insides out. I had in fact vomitted numerous times as I was getting dressed for the wedding. Luckily Taehyung was there with me to assure things will go well. That I had to just pretend to be a royal and do as expected.

I luckily got through the vows and ring exchange without fainting. I had yet to look upto my... Husband. His aura was rightfully as scary as rumoured. Just standing next to him was making fear run through my body like wildfire. How will I get close enough to do my designated job if he's so frightening? But of course I had to do it, that's my duty to my kingdom and the King.

I was lead to the open reception space in the middle of the garden. It was beautifully decorated but my nerves were overwhelming me to the point where I couldn't appreciate the beauty around me. Upon reaching there I sat down on a throne like chair, followed by the dictator’s son next to me. Then I was handed a paper stating the terms under which I was wed to this army Commander. I'm grateful to be taught how to read and write, otherwise they'd realize I'm not a royal. Common people weren't provided with education, luckily the institution I grew up in taught us to read and write fairly well and then Taehyung taught me further when I joined the palace.

I looked sideways towards my... Husband and noticed him signing the same paper. Then I noticed that he sighed with his left hand. (an: ik he ain't forreal but I love lefties so lemme be).

'So he's leftie’ I mused. I heard they're quite smart compared to righties, which I am. Well I hope he's not smart enough to catch my lie.

Then people came forward with gifts, I assumed that it was a gifting ceremony. I accepted each of them politely thanking each person. After that was done we stood on a small podium and people raised their glasses, making me assume someone will make a toast. I wasn't privy to the customs of this land so I had no idea what was going on nor knew what to expect next. You'd think someone would have told me how it all goes but no one did!

Maybe because I didn't ask? I sighed at my lack of smartness. If I'd asked I would be able to handle what came next when people started clinking their glasses. I looked confusedly and was swiftly turned towards my partner and he leaned down and pecked my lips, leaving me dazed. It was so fast and short but it left my lips burning with a sweet sensation.

That was my first kiss! A very half-hearted first kiss at that. I was slightly disappointed for experiencing such a first kiss. Instead of feeling butterflies, I felt anxiety twist my insides.

With that it was announced that the wedding ceremony concluded and I was again led down to the dance floor, which I rightfully guessed to be our first dance.

He held my hand in his much larger one and placed his other one around my waist and pulled me flush against him, making a small squeak to leave my lips. Our customs don't allow partners dancing so closely!

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