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Jimin knocked at Jungkook's open door, making the busy man look up at him.

“Come in” Jungkook smiled at him, tidying up his table.

“I just wanted to ask when is Taeyong coming back, it's been more than two days” Jimin inquired as he went to sit on one of the chairs.

Few days ago, Jimin had been informed about his secretary going home for some emergency. He had yet to return. Despite being given a new secretary— who in Jimin's opinion was colder than north pole— Jimin didn't feel at ease doing his works.

“Your secretary?” Jungkook squinted and continued, “He'll probably take longer. What's the matter? Isn't the new one good at his job?” Jungkook gave a questioning glance.

“No he is, I'm just concerned about Taeyong” Jimin answered, actually worrying about that man.

“He'll be fine Taemin” Jungkook answered sharply, making Jimin frown at him for his tone. The fake name added to Jimin's discontent.

“I mean Minnie” Jungkook corrected himself with a small chuckle. Jimin had made it clear— more like demanded, a week ago how he expects to be called Minnie, nothing else. That time too Jungkook had laughed out loud at the prospect of that name coming out of his mouth. He just couldn't take it seriously. Although he did agree to the fact that it fit his husband perfectly. Thus, he had been calling him Minnie during this entire time and everytime he slipped up, Jimin would glare at him in annoyance, which in Jungkook's opinion was the most adorable sight he's ever seen.

He would never admit he purposely slipped up a lot of times, just to see those adorable cheeks puffed up in annoyance. He's found holding himself from squishing them on several occasions.

“Pfft” Jimin huffed and got up to leave, making Jungkook chuckle even louder. While leaving out the door, Jimin's lips couldn't help but crack a smile because Jungkook's laughter was the most heavenly thing he's ever heard.


Several hours later, Jimin found himself at Jungkook's office door once again; contemplating on his idea. He had half a heart to turn around and forget it but he decided to go with it and knocked confidently after taking few encouraging breaths.

The door was opened by a soldier who's eyes widened when he realised who's at the door. He swiftly moved away and addressed Jungkook who sat at the head of his desk, several men sitting in front of him.

“I'm sorry, I'll come back later” from the looks of it, Jimin could tell he was busy. Therefore he quickly apologised on interrupting.  

“No!” Jungkook's voice called out, halting Jimin in his path and making him turn around.

“We'll continue later” Jungkook nodded at the men in the meeting who quickly obliged and vacated the office, not before giving a small bow to their Commander's spouse on their way out. Even the kind soldier at the door closed the door on his way out, giving the couple their privacy.

“So what is it?” Jungkook asked with a genuinely pleasant smile. He was actually quite happy every time his spouse popped in his office. It was unarguably the highlight of his day.

“I was actually thinking…” Jimin dragged on as he slinked into one of the chairs.

Jungkook simply gave a nod with a cocked eyebrow for Jimin to continue.

“Can my brother visit me here?” Jimin gave his best possible puppy eyes look.

“You mean you want me to allow the Prince of Taniland to visit us at any given time?” Jungkook unknowingly gave a death glare, making Jimin gulp.

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