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AN:  What country are you from? 


Taehyung leaned his head against Yoongi's shoulder and gazed on to the lake ahead. It was as peaceful and calm as his boyfriend. Which is currently what he needed because he wasn't all happy with the expansion news, particularly of Yoongi leaving in a few days. He would have to stop this nonsense somehow. 

"Yoongi," he called out and received a hum of affirmation. 

"Can you take me to meet Taemin?" he straightened up and looked into his boyfriend's eyes. 

"I will sweetheart," he kissed Taehyung's forehead, "once he gets back from the capital." 

"He isn't here?" he moved back and furrowed his eyebrows. 

"No, the supreme leader took him on a small vacation," Yoongi chuckled, "nice isn't it?" 

"Yes, indeed," Taehyung smiled back, his mind actually racing. 

"How is my cousin doing?" he questioned and his heart dropped as Yoongi snorted with an eye roll. 

"He's one annoying bitch, but he's doing good I guess," Yoongi's eyes stayed on the lake, missing Taehyung's saddened expression. 

He almost spoke out how the 'annoying bitch' is quite young and is just trying his best at his duties but refrained when he remembered what happened the last time he made Yoongi involve himself in Jungkook's matter. 

"Good," he whispered instead. 

♦ Two days later: 


The young boy walked swiftly, trying his best to navigate through the halls. He kept his head down as he passed by various officers that went to and fro. 

'One more floor to go,' he thought, encouraging himself to press down his shaky legs. He felt petrified but his determination was greater. Moments later, he arrived in front of the main office door. 

Only indication of it being an important room was the Kookmin land seal engraved above the doorframe. 

He took in a deep breath to calm his nerves and knocked loudly. 

"Come in," a deep voice called from within. 

He pushed the door open and his eyes met piercing obsidian ones, sending a shiver of fear down his spine. 

"Who are you?" the Supreme Leader drew his eyebrows in question. 

Instead of answering, he entered in and closed the door behind him, slightly alarming the older man in the room. 

"Before you throw me out for being here, please listen to me," he requested and the man looked at him scrutinizingly as he walked ahead and stood near his desk. 

"Stop trying to conquer more countries and killing countless people for your selfish motives," he glared and Jungshin rolled his eyes, having heard this fifty times already. 

"You're going to get yourself killed too," Jungshin warned. 

"I don't care! I've had enough of bloodshed," the boy retorted. 

"Who did my army kill? Your father? Brother? Or an uncle?" Jungshin stood up, instantly causing the boy to step back. 

"My whole family!" he answered in a shaky voice. 

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