Your Pretentious Grace

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Jimin's POV:

•Not proofread•

I released the breath I didn't even know I was holding when my husband left the dining hall. His body language after his outburst still remained tensed as if he's a tightly compressed spring, any other word to his dislike would have probably made him erupt like those bombs I saw a week ago.

Whatever conviction I had to fulfill my plans had dissipated at his small display of anger. I didn't want to deceive him, it was a scary thought. What's even more scary was the fact that if he finds out my true identity, his rage would be unparalleled. These past weeks showed a very pleasing side of him, yet this just exposed what lays under that calm exterior.

Those rumours weren't just rumours.

I fled the dining hall as soon as it became clear he was surely goneㅡ hopefully to his office where he'll remain forever. I don't want to face him again.

“Sir Jeon” a deep voice startled me, almost making me jump a foot into air. Only reason I knew it wasn't Jungkook was because of the title used.

“Taeyong, please don't creep up on me like that again” I requested clutching my pounding heart in the middle of the long hallway.

“My apologies Sir” he bowed respectfully, making me shuffle on my feet awkwardly.

It's hard to get used to so much respect when all my life I've been used to giving it. Well, at least my back is strengthened.

“I was sent by Commander, he ordered to join you on the trip to your kingdom” he explained.

“Oh” I sighed, feeling uncertain of going. Yet a very large part of me missed my home and the people I hold dear to me.

Yep, I'm definitely going.

“Let's go” I said and he motioned the path towards the front door. He directed us toward a large jeep, which held another huge gun at the backㅡ which I learned is a machine gunㅡ like almost all jeeps I've seen here.

The jeep treads through various roads in silence as I sat in the middle seat with Taeyong next to me. Two soldiersㅡ out of which one is drivingㅡ and the other sitting with a armed gun. Two other soldiers at the back manning the machine gun and a hand held gun respectively.

The amount of firepower these people carry around so casually scares meㅡ even more so because of my role as a mole. I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

Soon enough we reached the border gates, which were heavy wrought iron and ginormous in size. Our jeep halted and Taeyong got down, removed a paper from his front pocket and gave it to the soldier who looked like a high ranking official. He opened it and his eyes widened for a moment and he strode toward the Jeep.

“Sir Jeon!” He saluted and everyone else guarding the gates saluted and acknowledged my presence.

Despite being overwhelmed, I nodded curtly like I was taught to. This is another thing I can't get used to; all these scary soldiers looking like they would sacrifice their lives for me. Although when they realize my true nature, I bet they won't hesitate to kill me.

At my nod the officer dismissed himself and Taeyong got in. As the jeep started I asked him to show me the paper he showed that man. Opening the paper I found it to be a sort of letter of passage. It had Jungkook's signature and stated that I, Sir Jeon Taemin, should be allowed to cross the border. At the young prince's name, I wanted to rip the paper into shreds.

I didn't think I would get fed up with this façade so soon, but I'm definitely tired of this fake name.

Handing the paper back, I rested my head backward and decided to rest my mind. Way too many thoughts were making me dizzy.

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