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After dropping Jimin off, Jungkook went into his office, ready to finish all the paperwork before he departs for the base with Yoongi. 

Three hours in, a small metal glinted before his eyesight and clinked against his table and fell upon the papers of his file. 

He looked up, unimpressed. 

"What? You threw it harder than me" Yoongi cocked his eyebrow. 

"Whatever you think you're trying to achieve, fucking stop it" Jungkook's tone held a grave warning, making Yoongi sigh in resignation. 

"We have to leave" with that, Yoongi walked out. 

Jungkook too sighed, putting his pen down, then he glared at the ring that lay on the white papers. He rolled his eyes before he picked up the file and simultaneously opened one of his drawers and sent the ring on a parchment slide headed towards the drawer. He closed it off when he was sure the ring was stored away. 

Moments later he gathered his coat and went outside. He saw Yoongi seated in the driver's seat, awaiting his arrival. He wordlessly sat next to him and his friend drove off, headed to their military base. 

♦ Magical time skip: 

"Take another jeep" Jungkook simply got in his jeep and drove off, leaving a slightly confused Yoongi behind. 

"Time to meet my sweetheart" he said to himself and sat in one of the stationary jeeps and drove off in the opposite direction. 

Jungkook drove towards Jimin's office, a bit fast as he had realised he was late to pick him up, too engrossed in work at the base. He neared his office and halted the vehicle. Removing the key, he walked inside the building, straight towards Jimin's office. To his displeasure, the office door was locked. He walked out of the inner corridor and went towards the other offices on the floor. 

"Commander!" One of the soldier's saluted when he came in front of one of the offices and Jungkook acknowledged him with a nod. 

"Where's Officer Jeon?" he asked, looking around. 

"He left twenty minutes ago" he answered and Jungkook scrunched his eyebrows. 

"Alone?" He questioned. 

"Yes, he just walked out I believe" the soldier seemed to recall from his memory. 

"Okay" with that Jungkook too left the building. 

Subconsciously, his legs started taking him around the market area, eyes alert to catch a glimpse of those hypnotic eyes and shimmering black hair. Within a few yards of walking around, he noticed someone of that description in an expected place. He went and sat at his table wordlessly. 

"Oh," Jimin exclaimed when he noticed Jungkook sit down in front of him. He quickly called for another steaming cup of tea, which was produced instantly. 

Jungkook took the cup and sipped at it, all the while staring at Jimin. 

"Reliving a certain moment, are we?" Jungkook kept the cup down and mocked him. 

"You were late, what else was I supposed to do?" Jimin rolled his eyes and continued sipping his tea. 

"You were supposed to stay put, but I guess you aren't smart enough anyway" he started to sip at his tea again. 

He was a bit surprised when Jimin started to laugh instead of snapping back at him. 

"Put me down all you like Commander, it doesn't hurt me anymore" Jimin said as he calmed himself. 

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