Euphoria Land

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“Jimin-ah” Namjoon greeted with a pleasant smile as he entered the servant boy's room.

Next to him sat Taehyung, helping Jimin pack his bags as the remaining week was over and Jimin was due to return back to his husband's land.  

“Are you all set to go?” Namjoon sat next to Jimin on the bed. He had actually been treating Jimin as a son.

“I really don't want to go” Jimin said and Namjoon sighed.

“What he did was over the top, with the whole dragging you along thing...” Namjoon explained, “but you need to understand some boundaries and follow them, not because you respect him or anything, but because we shouldn't make any mistakes. With what we are doing, we can't afford mistakes Jimin-ah” Namjoon patted his shoulder.

“But I was just helping…” Jimin whispered with a pout.

“I understand that but you were supposed to do what he said, you defying him would put us in trouble… and God forbid if he found out our ploy, we would have a horrible war on our hands...” Namjoon's eyes reflected the seriousness of the situation, “you need to be the perfect spouse Jimin-ah” he ended with another pat on Jimin's shoulder.

Jimin sighed in defeat, understanding that even if he wants to stay back so badly, he can't. Not right now.

“Shall I start spying again?” Jimin asked.

“After another week” Namjoon answered after pondering over it for a few minutes.

“Okay your highness” Jimin stood up to bow, halting when the king held his shoulders.

“No need” he said and hugged Jimin, making the servant boy smile at the welcome warmth.

“Have a safe journey” Namjoon said as he patted Jimin's chubby cheek after retreating from the fatherly hug. Jimin simply nodded and left the room, Taehyung behind him along with a servant who carried his bags.

“If he hurts you again, I want you to come home before I wage war against that bastard” Taehyung whispered as he hugged Jimin before the boy could get into the car Jungkook sent to bring his husband home.

“Tae” Jimin giggled in amusement, “no need for all that” he smiled sincerely. He knew his friend was kind, but also quite protective over him. Enough to actually start a war.

And he definitely didn't want that now, or ever.

“I said if” Taehyung glared and Jimin giggled again.

“Just take care of Hyunie” Jimin whispered, already thinking of his brother's happy smile as he bid goodbye before coming down.

“I will Minnie” Taehyung finally let go of his hard expression and smiled his genuine boxy grin.

With another hug, Jimin got into the car and was greeted by his secretary.

“Sir” he tipped his head, “it isn't my place to ask, but is your leg okay?” Taeyong asked, already forgetting that Taemin is off-limits.

“It is completely healed now, thank you for asking” Jimin gave a genuine eye smile, glad to know his secretary is warming up to him. He certainly needed friends at that place if he wants to survive there.

“Glad to hear that” he nodded, “I apologise on commander's behalf, he must have been worried about you getting kidnapped from the base and probably used as bargain against him” Taeyong stated his assumption.

“Is it possible?” Jimin frowned.

“Yes, our old bases were attacked before” he answered and Jimin's frown deepened.

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