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Next day,
Morning at Jeon HQ: 

Jungkook bowed respectfully in front of the leader. 

"Sit" Jungshin gestured at one of the chairs near his desk. 

"Care to explain why you didn't go through with the plan and had the whole army on-hold only to send them back?" the supreme leader looked every bit displeased with his son. 

Jungkook shifted uncomfortably in front of his father. He wanted to tell him everything; everything he discovered, but he knew his father would do this the hard way, he would wage a war, and his pretend husband would be killed mercilessly. 

"We're being compromised, it's very complicated…" Jungkook willed himself to chose his words cautiously. 

"Is it something to do with my missing advisors?" Jungshin questioned and Jungkook frowned back, momentarily terrified of the fact that his father didn't know he killed his favourite soldiers. Well, not him technically but he stood by as the crime happened. 

"They're missing?" Jungkook feigned confusion, knowing full well they're dead and he hasn't produced a sound reason as to why. 

Jungshin sighed and pulled open one of his drawers. He procured a parchment and handed it to Jungkook, who promptly read it. 

"They ran away?" He cocked his eyebrow. 

"What a bunch of bullshit" he knew full well who's behind this. 

"Stupid, I know..." Jungshin looked incredulous too, " men are looking into it, although if they really wanted to leave this lifestyle I would let them go" he added, face depicting his fatherly love. 

Jungkook nodded, since he couldn't think of a proper response, and the fact that they're actually dead. 

"So, I believe you're going to handle whatever that is going on?" Jungshin held Jungkook's gaze, challenging his capabilities. 

"Yes, you don't have to worry about it" Jungkook nodded, thankful for having his father's trust. Although he worried for when the truth comes out, his father won't be in his favour. Whether it is regarding the Han siblings or his pretend husband. 

"You absolute moron" Jungkook reprimanded himself for getting into this mess. 


Jeon Castle entrance: 

Jungkook pulled up to his front porch, slightly happy to see his husband standing there with his hands on his waist. 

"Why didn't you come home?! You had me worried for no reason!" Jimin accused with a finger pointing in his direction. 

"I have no idea what you're talking about Doll" Jungkook got down from his jeep and leaned against it, hands folded against his chest. 

"You know full well" Jimin glared, "you didn't even go to war." 

"Isn't that what you wanted Doll? I just did what you wanted" Jungkook countered, itching to learn his reactions now that he knows his so called husband's actual intentions. 

Jimin sighed in defeat. 

"You should have at least come back home instead of making me worry" he said softly, melting Jungkook's conflicted heart. 

"Couldn't risk it" he said and Jimin looked up and nodded, not wanting to argue anymore. He didn't like where this was headed. 

"Come" Jimin extended his beautiful paw, "I made cupcakes" he smiled blindingly. 

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