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At the sound of the explosion, Jungkook glanced at Yoongi, who nodded.

“Plan B” he said and got up from his seat.

“I'm afraid we must cut this dinner short…” Jungkook got up, “...we will entertain your Grace some other time.”

“What is going on?” Taehyung whispered as he looked at the mens back, who left in hurry.

“War” Jimin answered and ate the last of his dessert.

“What?!” Taehyung stood up in shock.

“They've gone for a war Tae, we were attacked” Jimin explained.

“And you are not freaking out because?” Taehyung pressed, heart racing wildly.

Jimin simply shrugged and the latter's mouth hung open.

“This is madness!” Taehyung started pacing around and Jimin immediately stood to halt him.

“It is okay Tae, they'll be back. Victoriously of course” he added.

“How are you so sure?”

“Because he hasn't lost a battle as of yet” Jimin murmured.

“As of yet” Taehyung stressed and Jimin sighed.

“Come with me” Jimin gestured and Taehyung followed along, albeit little suspiciously.

Jimin took them up to their huge balcony, overlooking the entire castle front.

“See, they're extensively armed. They will win” Jimin gestured around the vast area laddled with tanks, trucks and innumerable soldiers yielding various firearms.

“And if they start to lose, they will call upon our army” Taehyung stated lividly.

Instead of acknowledging Taehyung's statement, Jimin's eyes had landed on Jungkook, who was barking orders left and right.

“Is that…” Jimin's eyes landed on another man, who was getting yelled at by the furious Commander.

Without saying another word, Jimin ran away, leaving a confused Taehyung to run after him.

“Taeyong!” Jimin called out as soon as he reached down and neared the commotion.

“What are you doing here?!” Jungkook said in an accusatory tone while Taeyong simply looked on in surprise.

“Why is he hurt?” Jimin asked pointing towards Taeyong.

“What is going on?! Why did you run down Ji-?” Taehyung caught himself in time because he saw Jungkook's angry face. Clearly, an argument was in session.

“He was sent to war...” Jungkook answered, he then turned back, “...which he clearly isn't fit for” he barked in displeasure.

“But why? He is my assistant!” Jimin said.

“Because I'm the Commander and I said so…” Jungkook sounded too rude for Jimin's liking, “...and I want you to go inside and stay there, I don't want a repetition of last time” he pointed towards the castle.

Jimin opened and closed his mouth a few times before walking away. Taehyung looked at Jungkook who was looking at Jimin's back before sighing and turning towards the man called ‘Taeyong.’

“Your majesty…” Taehyung heard the familiar deep voice, so he turned around.

“You too shall head back in and be with your brother, it's a safety issue. You of all should understand that” Yoongi tipped his head.

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