The Cavalry's Here

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Six months later:

The Jeon empire grew exponentially, causing various disadvantages to the Kim Kingdom. King Namjoon ordered Jimin to resume his duty as a mole within three months of the expansion of the Jeon's rule. Due to the increased empire and subsequent rebellion (caused with Jimin's help), Jungkook had to constantly stay out of Kookmin land for longer and extended periods, enabling Jimin to exchange whatever information he could salvage from Jeon's small trips back home.

Jungkook was currently back home on a small trip, departure due in short time.

“I hear you visit home more often in my absence” Jungkook said as he squeezed the paw intertwined with his left hand.

Although bit awkward for Jungkook, he was currently strolling around the extensive garden with his husband, hand-in-hand.

“Yes…” Jimin sighed, already dreading Jungkook's departure, “...I get quite lonely without you here.”

“I thought your brother continued his visits” Jungkook frowned.

“Yes, but he too has been busy lately” Jimin tried holding back a sad smile.

He knew that Taehyung and their Second in Command had very much become an item. Yoongi even sneaked out of his duties more often to meet Taehyung. Sadly for Jimin, same couldn't be said about Jungkook. In fact, this has been the most time Jungkook spent with him in four months. As much as Jimin wanted to be mad at Jungkook for breaking his promise of trying, he knew he couldn't kid himself. The circumstances under which they're fated together don't allow feelings to prosper. Therefore, he concentrated on his duties while Jungkook was doing the same.

Jungkook caught on Jimin's sad face and stopped, making Jimin look up at him questioningly.

Jungkook placed his index finger under Jimin's chin and stared into his husband's mesmerizingly sad eyes, “If I could do something about it, I would.”

The sincerity in his husband's eyes made Jimin's knees weak. Not only he felt overwhelmed, he felt guilty. He was betraying this man, who gave him a chance, let him in. When Jimin took in Jungkook's bruised face, a tear rolled down involuntarily, which was wiped off immediately.

“How long before you get seriously hurt?” Jimin spoke through tears and all Jungkook could manage to do was embrace him.

“I'm going to be fine…” Jungkook said as he pulled back and pecked Jimin's forehead, he then embraced him again tightly against his chest and placed his chin atop Jimin's head, “...whenever I think I can't make it, I push myself to fight because I know you're waiting here for me.”

The heart-wrenching declaration made Jimin choke and gasp but luckily his face was buried in Jungkook's chest. His entire body was screaming at him to spill the beans, come clean, but he knew Jungkook wouldn't be so loving once he realises Jimin has been the reason he's been facing difficulties. His own husband is the reason he's starting to lose wars. After the initial punishment of Taeyong's, Jimin found out he was no longer his assistant. When Jimin confronted Jungkook about it, he was told about Taeyong's little crush, which apparently accounted in a serious crime against the Commander and the values his dictatorship held. Thus, in simple words, Taeyong was banished from Kookmin land. At least, that's what Jimin heard, he actually suspected Taeyong was killed off.

After Jimin calmed down enough, and Jungkook thought his husband cried enough, they resumed walking around in comfortable silence. Except Jimin's head, which held a war of its own.

“Please stay longer…” Jimin made puppy eyes as he held onto Jungkook's overcoat when the Commander tried to reach for it. He was all dressed to leave, except for his overcoat.

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