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Jimin awoke with the sunlight pouring over his pleasantly well-rested body. Despite his closed eyelids, he could perceive the bright sunlight, informing him that the storm had passed, bringing on a beautiful aftermath of rainbows, chirping birds and heady petrichor. 

He turned around to stretch his limbs, hands feeling around for a certain someone, sadly, all his hands felt were cool sheets. He quickly sat up, looking around the room. 

He sighed, disappointed at the lack of Jungkook in his bed. He rubbed his eyes, mentally cheering himself to get on with his day. Getting up, he looked around, the sheets wrapped around his waist, and his eyes landed on the neatly folded pile of his night-clothes on the piece of furniture at the foot of his bed. 

Jimin's lips stretched at the widest angle and he reached for the clothes. There's no surprise who did this little task. Smiling still, he put them down and gasped as he glanced at the clock on the nightstand. 

He overslept! 

'That explains the disappearance,' he thought, legs automatically walking him towards his ensuite bathroom. Within half an hour, Jimin walked downstairs, greeted by an officer at the base of the staircase. 

"Breakfast is served," he saluted. 

"Is the Commander around?" Jimin questioned as he walked towards the kitchen, the officer following in his footsteps. 

"No Sir, Commander left for the headquarters two hours ago," he informed and Jimin dismissed him with a nod. Guess he is going to eat alone today. 

♦ Kookmin headquarters: 

Jungkook went over the strategy with the supreme leader. There were hardly a few days left to set this plan into motion. Everything had to be perfect, no discrepancies, at any cost. 

"So?" Jungkook looked hopefully at his father's face, asking for his approval. 

A resounding knock interrupted the leader, who called the person in who had knocked. Instantly, six men barged in with stacks upon stacks of papers, files and folders. 

"Records, Supreme Leader," the one with the glasses bowed slightly. Jungshin gave a curt nod and the men exited as quickly as they had come in. 

"So, yes," Jungshin started but Jungkook's eyes were wandering over the stacks strewn across the carpet, taking up one whole corner of his father's office. 

"... We have to consider the unlawfuls-" 

"Do you hear that?" Jungkook glanced at his father and back to the papers. 

"Hear what?" Jungshin looked at the spot his son was staring at. 

"Bomb," Jungkook whispered before he reached over and heaved his father off his chair and over the desk. Being taken by surprise, Jungshin's body had slacked, but then he immediately willed his body into autopilot and co-ordinated with Jungkook to get the hell out of his office, he watched on as Jungkook shut the sturdy door behind them and they ran away from the office.  

A loud explosion boomed and the building rattled as they left the immediate area of the office and continued running until they reached at the end of the wing. 

"That was my secretary," Jungshin sounded livid. 

"He couldn't have left yet," the Commander immediately set off, running away. Jungshin took a moment to breathe and ran after him as well. 

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