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Jungkook entered the dictator's office, getting bows and salutes as he passed through various guards on his way.

“President Jeon” Jungkook greeted by bowing and then straightened up and gave a sharp salute.

“At ease” at his command Jungkook loosened his strained military posture.

“Sit down” he gestured towards the chair in front of the huge desk, Jungkook bowed and complied.

“Taniland has agreed to cease backlash upon one request” he informed opening a file and handing it to Jungkook who read it curtly.

“Are they fucking serious?” Jungkook exclaimed.

“Yes and I accept the deal” the elder male said as he clasped his hands and placed them upon his desk, looking at his son expectantly.

Almost daring him to protest.

“But why should we give up the royal?” Jungkook asked.

“They need him, he's the eldest. The other one is younger, thus a liability to them. Also keeping him with us ensures their loyalty” President Jeon explained.

“Alright, I accept” Jungkook sighed in defeat.

“Do you want to set up a meeting to get to know him?” President Jeon asked Jungkook.

“No, I don't have time to waste. We have yet to conquer the western side” Jungkook informed getting up, intent on leaving.

“Alright, I'll send our acceptance letter. Prepare the royal for exchange” President Jeon ordered.

“Yes appa” Jungkook bowed and saluted again and walked out.

"So this is how I end up getting married..." Jungkook whispered as he walked away from the office and climbed into his car, headed to his office.



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