Instant Regret

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“You're an idiot” Jungkook whispered at himself, dead into the night whilst clutching the covers over his chest. After his husband's departure, he busied himself to drown out the feeling of emptiness. But now, almost in the middle of the night, he laid wide awake; unable to fall asleep in the absence of that small and cute warm body which took up half of his bed. He never thought he'd get so attached in such a short period of time, but well, here we are.

With a angry huff, the commander got out of bed and exited his room and headed to his office. If he wasn't going to sleep, he'd rather get some work done. At the same time, kilometres away, that small and cute warm body slept peacefully next to his younger brother, with a satisfactory smile ever present. Believe it or not, Jimin had made his mind up, he wasn't going back.

Days went by as Jungkook struggled with sleep, forming raccoon eyes. On the brighter side, he was way ahead on his work, giving him more time to miss his husband— whom he thought he didn't need. On the even brighter side, Jimin was the happiest man ever. He was spending time with his brother more than ever. He helped Taehyung with whatever the Prince wanted. Both of them hung out like the old times. Despite all that, there were times where Jimin sat alone, playing with his ring, denyingly missing his husband's presence. And on this lazy afternoon, he sat in the back garden, next to the lake; playing with the ring. He contemplated whether he'll be allowed to get out of this sacrificial plan easily.

Lo and behold, he heard footsteps behind him so he turned around to see their commander.

“My apologies my Prince, but the Commander insisted he meets you instantly” Commander Hoseok bowed and moved aside, leaving a gasping Jimin. Wordlessly, Hoseok exited the garden, leaving the people alone.

Jimin huffed and turned his back towards the annoying human, who came and sat beside Jimin on the grass awkwardly.

“Taemin…” Jungkook called out softly, which pissed Jimin off to no end. He wanted to scream in his face, but then he remembered it isn't Jungkook's fault. They're the ones fooling him.

“How is your leg?” Jungkook reached his hand out to touch Jimin's leg, but the younger moved away.

“Let's go inside, we need to host you properly” Jimin muttered as he got up. The actual reason was that he wanted to avoid a personal conversation.

“No” Jungkook held his wrist, which pulled Jimin back— and to Jimin's utter horror and Jungkook's delight— he tripped and fell into Jungkook's lap.

“Will you excuse me?” Jimin gave him an irritated expression.

“No” Jungkook answered blatantly and held Jimin's waist in a strong grip, making the victim huff in annoyance.

“I need you to pack your bags, we're leaving” Jungkook said authoritatively.

“As I rightfully remember, you granted two weeks, I have another week… of freedom” Jimin whispered lastly, which Jungkook obviously heard. Unconsciously, the shock and hurt made him loosen his grip. Jimin immediately took the opportunity and got up and deadass ran for his life, leaving a Jungshook Commander behind.

Sighing in part annoyance and anger, Jungkook stood and walked casually in Jimin's footsteps. Amidst his journey inside, Jungkook decided the stunt Taemin just pulled was actually cute as fuck. Which surprisingly made him sport a small tight lipped grin.

“Commander Jeon” a strong, stunned and angry voice halted him, and Jungkook was glad that he heard the voice or he'd crash into the same person's chest. He cursed his stupid daydreaming.

“Follow me” Namjoon gestured towards the path leading to his office and Jungkook followed wordlessly.

“So” Namjoon placed his hands on his desk and Jungkook sat in the seat in front of him awkwardly, “I heard about your arrival from my head-in-command… visiting?” Namjoon teased.

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