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Author's POV:

Taniland was an enormous Kingdom ruled by Kims. The ruling King, Kim Namjoon and his husband Kim Seokjin had two children. Two beautiful sons— Taehyung, the eldest aged 18 whilst their younger one, Taemin aged 16 . The Kims ruled peacefully, people had enough food, less taxes plus employment was provided for each individual. Everything was peaceful if you didn't count their neighbouring country.

The land of Kookmin was under militaristic governance of the Jeons. Those 'barbaric’ people were hell-bent on conquering as much land as possible. Dreaming to rule the world! Each person in Taniland despised those Kookminers, as they had a military education and were trained to be soldier like and follow their ruler's, the Jeon's orders religiously.

Both lands had contrast, Taniland having peace loving people whilst the others were aggressive, adopting to warfare.

Taniland’s Prince, Kim Taehyung was a mischievous and an adventurous person. He often sneaked out of the palace despite being scolded for it on numerous occasions. His only explanation on it was 'How will I rule this land if I personally don't know every nook and cranny of it?'. It always made his parents sigh in defeat.

Today was no different as he once again dragged his friend with him through the thick forest. His 18 year old 'friend’ actually was his servant, but Taehyung always treated him as a close friend. Outside of his chambers, they acted according to their titles.

“What if we see those men again Tae? This is a bad idea” Jimin spoke breathlessly, hands on his knees as he rested his burning lungs.

Taehyung did all of his mischiefs with him and also saved him from scoldings by stating it was all his idea. Which it actually always is.

“That's the point chim!” Taehyung giggled and continued to run up the mini hill, leaving behind Jimin who shook his head in disbelief. He took a deep breath and ran after Taehyung.

“We shouldn't be here. We should have told the King about what we saw yesterday. This isn't right ” Jimin said as he caught up with the Prince.

“Oh shush, that would get us on palace lockdown, and besides I want to see that man again” Taehyung said, now nearing the forest’s clearing.

This place was a border of sorts between both lands. Since it was deep into the woods, it wasn't guarded as it should be.

Taehyung gasped as he witnessed what he came for, looking down from that small hill, onto the clearing which had a small lake at it's corner.

An extremely handsome man, who's expression was ice cold got down from the jeep. He seemed to give orders to few men and then he scanned the area.

And just like that his eyes landed on Taehyung's widened ones.

“Shit shit shit, he saw me” Taehyung muttered and moved away from the bush behind which he was seated to peak out of.

“Oh no we're dead!” Jimin exclaimed, getting upto his feet, ready to run. He was seated aganist a tree whilst Taehyung was looking for that ‘captivating man’.

As both friends ran, they heard few shouts behind them.

“Stop or we'll shoot!” A loud voice was heard and Taehyung immediately halted behind a tree and pulled at Jimin's wrist to make him stop too.

“Jimin go run and tell appa about this” he said and Jimin shook his head.

“No I'm not leaving you behind! You run and I'll let them catch me” Jimin said. He wasn't going to let the Prince get taken! His life was worth much more than his.

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