They Did It

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The next day:

The Jeon's sat at the dining table, eating breakfast. Jimin hated the silence around, and to add to his anxieties, Jungkook had been distant with him since yesterday. When confronted, the commander made the excuse of the whole mole drama getting to him, which Jimin understood and let go of the matter.

"Aren't they going to join us for breakfast anytime?" Jimin asked, after looking around.

"I don't think so they ever will" Jungkook said, scanning Jimin's face, trying to make out as to why's he curious about the Han siblings.

"Okay" Jimin whispered weakly, realising he overstepped. Although the glare Jungkook was projecting made him uncomfortable further.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, unable to handle more of that gaze.

"Hmm?" Jungkook simply cocked an eyebrow.

"Have I done something wrong?..." He questioned, simultaneously thinking of the possible reasons, "... I am sorry if I overstepped by asking about the Han siblings."

"Did you know?" Jungkook questioned.

"What?" Jimin frowned, his heart hammering against his ribcage.

"This is it."

"The Han siblings have disappeared because they're done with their job, they've discovered who's the mole."

Jimin looked up at Jungkook, but immediately looked down, almost in shame because of the piercing gaze his husband held.

"But why did he decide to confront me after a whole week? Was he studying me all this time? And now he thinks it's the time to end this?"

"You did, didn't you?" Jungkook questioned rather harshly to Jimin's liking.

"What are you talking about?" Jimin willed his voice to stay stable, but got betrayed.

"Yoongi and your brother Taehyung" Jungkook said, now casting his hawk gaze.

"Oh…" despite himself, Jimin audibly gasped in surprise.

"So I'm not dying..."


Jungkook intensified his gaze and Jimin gulped.

"I did, sorry I didn't tell you" Jimin made sure to sound guilty.

"It's okay, just make sure to not hide anything else, I'm your husband after all" Jungkook said and sipped water, before getting up and walking away.

Jimin stayed struck in his seat due to Jungkook's sentence. The tone was condescending, almost like a warning. Almost everything was pointing towards only one thing: Jungkook knew. Jimin clutched his chest in pain. He was beginning to have a full blown panic attack. Heaving, he got up on shaky legs, only to fall down. He looked around to find a maid hovering above him in concern. He gasped and asked her to bring him somewhere. She nodded and helped him up.

Now, this wasn't favourable, given the situation, but Jimin had no other options.

The maid knocked at the door and announced Jimin's presence, which set another wave of paralysis through Jimin because he wasn't named Taemin.

Luckily, the maid escorted Jimin near the desk and explained what happened.

"A panic attack?" Jungkook cocked an eyebrow, whilst holding Jimin's hand to support.

"Yes, you should just be there for him" she added before exiting.

Jungkook looked around his office, realising he can't make him lie down since he had no couches. So he simply pulled him on his lap and Jimin then further burrowed himself in a quivering ball. Jungkook was unequipped but did his best by running his hands through Jimin's hair and rubbing his back in order to calm him.

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