A Walk In The Garden

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Yoongi halted the jeep at the castle entrance, which was decorated for the new groom. Jimin once again sighed to himself. He heard Jungkook get down and could see him walk towards Taemin's side of the door to open it for him. Meanwhile, Yoongi didn't budge, looking at the newlyweds and Jimin back and forth. He knew Jimin needed his company. 

Jungkook wound his hand around Taemin's waist and led them up the entrance stairs. He halted and looked back to see Yoongi and Jimin still seated in the jeep, the traitor looking at his feet while Yoongi kept glaring at him. 

"Retire to bed, tomorrow is a big day" he ordered and Yoongi rolled his eyes as Jungkook disappeared inside the entrance. 

"Want to go for a drive?" Yoongi asked Jimin, once again placing his hand on the young prince's hand to get his attention. 

"I don't think I'm allowed to" Jimin looked towards him and laughed dryly. 

"A walk then?" He cocked his eyebrow," pretty sure you're allowed to be in the garden" he added and Jimin sighed again. 

"You must be exhausted" he said and Yoongi chuckled. 

"Aren't we all?" He removed his seatbelt and unbuckled Jimin's too, "come, let's go" he got down and Jimin couldn't help but relent to the kind gentleman. 

'Tae found a gem' he thought with a smile. 

♦ Upstairs, Jungkook's bedroom: 

"You can go change in there," Jungkook pointed to the adjoining room, "that's the bathroom," he pointed next to that door. 

"Can I please go sleep in my cousin's ro-"

"No" Jungkook firmly cut Taemin off with a stern face. 

"You are expected to sleep here," he pointed to the king sized bed, "be up and dressed at 7 AM" he ordered and Taemin nodded before he walked out. 

'Meanie' Taemin thought as he looked at Jungkook's back. 

Once out of his bedroom, he closed it behind him and silently padded towards the inner most corner of the wing, he then stood outside the door, ears eager to pick any sound. He expected to hear cries of regret, pain, or just plain chaos. But he was met with a silence of disappointment. 

Jimin wasn't in his room. It irked him. He grinded his jaw when he realised something. Quickly, he walked down a floor to the open balcony, which overlooked the garden. There he looked around for the duo he knew would be present there. He breathed in with great annoyance when he saw them walking on one of the trails at the far eastern side of the garden. He folded his arms and stood there, just watching them in anger and disappointment. The latter of course for his friend, who sadly was oblivious to Jimin's reality. Otherwise he wouldn't be giving emotional support to the mole. 

Several minutes later, the duo neared the castle and Jungkook could clearly see their faces. To his utter displeasure, both of them were smiling and laughing along. Jungkook hadn't seen Jimin look so lively since that night. The amount of rage and jealousy caused physical pain in his heart. He felt almost compelled to run down, drag Jimin up to throw him on his bed and just fuck him into oblivion. 

But obviously, he would never give in to such trivial pursuits. For him the only thing that mattered was loyalty to his country and doing everything in his power to maintain its existence. This tiny, tantalizing demon from hell won't be able to lure him off his path. 

"Fuck" he muttered and went back inside to light a smoke. He walked back up and opened his bedroom door, momentarily startled to find a young boy sitting in his bed, with an open book in his lap. 

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