An Exchange And A Wedding

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Taehyung's POV:

I almost squealed at his entrance.

I'm actually abducted but honestly this is so exciting. Despite being tied to this chair for I don't know how long, I'm still amused. I was told that they are our neighboring land's army. They were invading my land. Which should be worrying me but it's not as I know how capable our army is.

That's why I'm so worry free and waiting for their second in command.

Yes I figured who that captivating man was.

He is Kookmin land's second in command, who was leading the invasion.

“Untie him” that handsome man orders and I'm untied from the chair and locked with another chained cuffs. Which prevents me from moving my hands and legs for fighting purpose and they're both connected. The cuffs at my legs allow me to walk as there's a reasonable distance chain between them.

I roll my eyes at them.

“Savages” I mutter as they have no idea how to treat a royal like myself.

“I wouldn't disrespect my abducters if I were you” the handsome spoke coldly, patronizing me.

He seems to have seen my eye roll and heard the not so subtle comment.

“I will if they're uneducated savages” I spoke rudely despite liking him so much.

“I wouldn't if I didn't know where I'm lead to” he said, walking towards me and dragging me with him, clutching my arm harshly.

His touch was as ice cold as his personality. I would have fanboyed at his touch but it was way too harsh to develop any pleasant feelings in me.

As I said, savages.

“I don't care” I muttered at his statement.

“Oh really? What if I'm taking you to be beheaded” he spoke glaring back at me and resuming his long strides.

“You wouldn't! My land will destroy yours if you did” I answer pretty confidently.

Our land has survived way too many invasions to be threatened by these savages.

“What makes you think you haven't already lost” he muttered.

My heart sank at his words. Could it really be that we lost? Is he really taking me to be beheaded?

“I'm too young to die!”

He halted abruptly, making my face to slam into his back.

Whoops, I said it out loud I think.

“How old are you?” He asked.

Shit, why's he asking me that? Is he interested in me or what? I can never tell because he literally speaks with no emotions wrapping his face. Even his tone sounds uninterested.

“18” I answer. He nods and resumes dragging me along, not making it clear why he asked.

“How old are you?” I ask, seemingly fair since he asked me too.

“28” he answered in such a small voice I almost didn't catch it.

I actually wasn't even expecting him to answe-


My crush is ten years elder than me?

Why? I pout unconsciously.

“Don't pout kid, you're being released” he halted and started removing my cuffs with a silver key.

At his words I looked around and saw a huge metal door at which we were standing.

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