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Author's POV:

“I'll miss you Minnie” Taehyung murmured as he let Jimin go from his iron grip embrace.

Taeyong stood aside with fuck tons of bags, containing various things Jimin decided to take back to his new home.

“Me too TaeTae” Jimin gave a crescent eye smile, “please take care of Hyunie” he whispered lastly.

Jimin had already bid his brother goodbye in Taehyung's chambers. He didn't want his assistant asking Jihyun’s identity or his relation to Jimin if the boy came down to see him off. They couldn't take that risk.

“Of course I will” Taehyung assured and waved as Jimin got in the jeep as the soldiers brought it around to the front entrance. With a heavy heart, Jimin waved back until Taehyung disappeared from the horizon. Jimin then sat down properly and sighed, already missing his home and beloved ones.

Panic set in his heart when they reached the Kookmin land's border and were asked to halt. To add to his panic, Jimin was informed that Jungkook had ordered for thorough check up if Jimin brought anything with him.

Luckily, Jimin hadn't carried anything suspicious. Although the reason for his worry was that now he can't carry anything in the future; anything that could expose his true nature.

He wouldn't admit it, but Jimin was saddened by Jungkook's distrust in him. All his progress was backtracked. He would have to start again. Which he can do since he's ordered to wait it out until further notice to start his spying.

After the unnecessary baggage check up, Jimin's heart accelerated as they neared the Jeon castle.  To Jimin’s utter disappointment, the driveway was void of the presence he expected. Dejected, Jimin went up to his room, being let down again at the empty space. Sighing in disappointment, Jimin prepared himself for dinner. He knew for sure that Jungkook would be present there.

As expected, Jungkook stood at the base of the stairs, seemingly ready to greet Jimin.

“I reckon the trip was comfortable” Jungkook's formal words sank into Jimin's heart. He could tell that the commander's guards were back up. He was back to the awkward atmosphere between them.

“It was; thank you for allowing me” Jimin smiled politely, despite the urge to protest against the treatment he just received.

“You're welcome” Jungkook gave a nod and started walking towards the dining hall.

Upon reaching the hall, to Jimin's surprise, his husband sat at the head of the table, notably away from him. The message was pretty clear, Jimin had been pushed away. The commander no longer trusted him.

“Please try the delicacies of my land” Jimin offered pushing the pain away. He had carried along various fruits and dishes exclusive to his Kingdom. He simply wanted Jungkook to try them.

Jungkook merely cocked an eyebrow at Jimin, seemingly offended.

'Now what did I do?!' Jimin unknowingly pouted.

“Come here” Jungkook motioned for a maid to come near.

“Yes commander” the man bowed.

“Taste it” at Jungkook's words the man tasted each dish and moved back.

“All good Master” the man answered when Jungkook cocked his eyebrow in question.

Jungkook hummed and turned to his plate and helped himself with the dishes, tasting each one. He ignored the fuming, tiny, offended husband glaring at him. Jimin couldn't believe that Jungkook thought he had brought poisoned food. Despite coming here to literally destroy his husband, Jimin wasn't the type to poison someone. The thought would never even cross his mind. Yet, here was being suspected of doing so.

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