A Walking Sin

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Jimin presented his hands together and smiled at Jungkook. 

They had just reached Jeon castle, ready to face anything they're dealt with. 

"Cuff me Commander," Jimin purred at Jungkook, making the older chuckle heartily. 

"I'd rather not," he said and took hold of Jimin's hand, intertwining them together. 

"Oh you must," Jimin followed after as Jungkook guided them inside their home, which would now end up as Jimin's prison, but he couldn't care less, instead he beamed at everyone as they went, "and you may want to keep them too." 

Jungkook turned around abruptly, looking at Jimin with a cocked eyebrow. 

"I think I would want to try them after all this ends," Jimin whispered in a sultry voice, making Jungkook turn red in the face. 

The commander cleared his throat and stepped into the living room, "later." 

"Of course, that is where you were," Taemin stood in the middle of the living hall and under the chandelier, stance authoritative. 

Jungkook grit his teeth. 

The Prince didn't seem to falter at his husband's blatant disapproval, instead he folded his arms over his chest, glaring at the couple. 

Jimin, caught off-guard and embarrassed, tried to take his hand out of Jungkook's but the commander had other ideas as he tightened his grip. 

"Guards!" Jungkook yelled, making men run into the room frantically, "arrest this man," he pointed to Taemin, sending the room into a sea of confused looks, sans the hand-holding couple. 

"You can't arrest me! I am a Prince and your husband!" Taemin protested when the guards started cuffing him at Jungkook's glaring eyes command. 

"A Prince you surely are, but not my husband," Jungkook raised their intertwined hands, "he," his eyes raked over Jimin, "is my husband." 

"I never meant any of my vows with you and I only wanted to bring you here as leverage, so I can arrest you when the right opportunity arises, which is now, since your father was stupid enough to try to assassinate my father." 

"I know my father fooled you but I want to make it right, please," tears streamed down Taemin's eyes as he tried to get near Jungkook but the guards held him in place. 

"Too late," Jungkook said and nodded to the guards, who dragged away the prince who howled curses at them. 

"Don't," Jungkook cut Jimin off from what he knew he was going to say. 

"He doesn't deserve any kindness, not from me nor you," Jungkook cupped his cheek, "you served them enough," he leaned down and pecked Jimin's lips, who sighed into the kiss. 

"I have some things to do, you go eat something or take a nap," Jungkook gestured towards the staircase, "when I get back I would have to put you in the cells too," Jungkook's face looked pained. 

"It's okay, I had to face the consequences sooner or later anyway," Jimin smiled at him. 

Jungkook cupped Jimin's cheeks once again and kissed him deeply, re-exploring. 

"See you," Jungkook pulled away reluctantly but felt a tug at his sleeve as he turned away. Turning back, he felt arms wrap around his torso, making him groan in pain. 

"Wait," Jimin pulled back,"there was an attack! Were you injured?" he tried to unbutton Jungkook's shirt. 

"It's just a bullet wound, it'll heal," Jungkook muttered as he pulled Jimin's paws off him. 

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