He's The Mole

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"I came back and now you're leaving" Jungkook pouted as he stood next to the jeep, his elbows rested against the window.

"I wouldn't have gone if it wasn't important, my papa isn't well. I will be back by evening though. Now, please go rest" Jimin word vomited, terrified of being denied this trip. To add to his fears, Jungkook insisted to see him off instead of resting in their bedroom.

"Alright…" Jungkook sighed and leaned in to peck Jimin's lips before the jeep sped off.

Into the distance, behind a bush, the Han siblings sprang up.

"We would be shot dead if the Commander finds us even hinting at his husband's involvement in this" the sister protested.

"And we answer to the supreme leader, under which our duty is to find the damn mole" Kai spat and walked away towards their Jeep. Tani sighed and followed after him.

Few miles later, the siblings encountered a Jeep halted alone off the side of the deserted road.

"That's an Jeon army jeep" Kai mused as he pulled up behind the vehicle.

"Fuck" Tani realised her brother was indeed onto something.

Both of them got down and walked towards it, finding it entirely abandoned.

"Where could he have gone?" Kai whispered as he searched around at the edge of the adjoining forest.

"This isn't the jeep he left in" Tani called out and Kai returned by her side.

"What?" He frowned.

"The seal…" she pointed, "...the car he left in didn't have that."

"So who's car is this?" Kai cocked his eyebrow.

"Guess we're gonna find out…" she motioned towards the sparsely spread out forest.


Kim Palace:

"How could you‽" Jimin practically screamed.

"We weren't the one to give the hit order" Namjoon glared, disliking Jimin's display of rage.

"But you assured me he wouldn't be hurt!" Jimin pressed on, "...if this continues, I'm not going to assist."

At those words, Namjoon stood tall, incredulous at Jimin's demeanor.

He was the one to plan all this, he made Jimin what he is right now, he can't possibly think of biting the hand that fed him.

Although, technically, that post currently laid in Jeon's court.

"Whether we hurt him or not, someone else will. He was being targeted even before we came into the fucking picture, so choose your path wisely Jimin" the King swung sharply.

"I cannot continue this," Jimin looked down, tears flowing down, "at least for some time, because the leader has sent his experts to look into this" he looked back up.

"Hmm…" Namjoon sat back down, unsanctioned fear trickling down his spine, "...we will stop for the time being. Relay messages through Taehyung, whose visits I assume would be numbered too" he cocked his eyebrow and Jimin nodded in answer.

"You're dismissed" at the King's words, Jimin bowed and walked off, an emotional mix of hurt, anger and helplessness swirling within him.

The king's treatment towards him solidified the fact that he was never like a son, he was just a pawn. Now that the odds are against the King, Jimin was being cast aside. With this epiphany, Jimin's mind suggested coming clean to his husband, hope that he spares him, and with the Han siblings around, Jimin wasn't sure how long he could stay hidden.

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