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Author's POV:

Being a man of his words, Jungkook immediately sent out an invitation letter to the Kim family. He already expected the royals to jump at the opportunity since he knows for sure their army commander— Jung Hoseok— must have already ran his mouth about the little incident of him bringing their unconscious prince over his shoulder. Carrying his husband all over the field had ripped his stitches but obviously he wasn't going to talk about that. He knows he went too far by bringing the poor kid into war but he couldn't care less since he really didn't like anyone who disobeyed him.

“Send this out” he gave the sealed letter to his assistant who immediately walked away.

“May I come in Commander?” Taeyong stood at Jungkook's office door.

Even though he didn't look like it, he was fucking terrified of the situation at hand. Along with being Jimin's assistant, his job was to steer him into right directions, i.e., whatever Jungkook instructs to. He of course fucked up since his boss was too cute to deny anything to. Taeyong is afraid to even admit his little crush on his boss, who also happens to be the commander's husband. But eh, heart chooses the wrong person anyways.

“Come in” Jungkook spat and stood up, effectively scaring Taeyong furthermore by his towering stance.

“You knows what happens when you disobey direct orders” Jungkook questioned rhetorically as he folded his arms over his chest while he leaned against his desk.

Taeyong could only gulp as the actual fear set in. Before he could open his mouth to answer, he received the slap of his life.

“If he sets a foot out of this house without my permission next time, I'll make sure to personally torture you to near death and then blow you up and feed the pieces to the wolves” Jungkook warned, hands itching to continue their rage.

“I'm sorry Commander, it won't happen again” Taeyong stood straight after rubbing his burning cheek. As much as it hurt, he was a soldier so he had to stand tall and accept his punishment.

“You better” Jungkook muttered as he sat back on his desk, “get out” he glared and Taeyong immediately left.

Jungkook sighed and slacked his shoulders as he played with the gold band. He really didn't want the extra drama in his life. But obviously he couldn't really do anything about it, since Taniland was admittedly as strong as them.


*At Kim palace*

“We should wage war!” Taehyung yelled as he clenched his fists. He wasn't happy to hear the news about his best friend getting hurt because of the reckless jerk of a Commander the Kookminers had.

“Think rationally Taehyung-ah, don't act like them” Namjoon sighed as he face palmed.

“I told you the consequences would be bad” Seokjin frowned as he sat next to Namjoon at the lunch table.

“As Hoseok said, it was just a bullet graze. You all need to calm down” Namjoon faced his husband to explain.

“Luckily! What if it would have actually hit him!? We need to bring him back. Stop all this plotting bullshit” Taehyung was absolutely infuriated by this point as he stomped away. If anyone wasn't going to listen to him, he would take matters into his own hands.

“Your highness” Hoseok called out as he saw Taehyung in the corridor. Taehyung halted but didn't say anything since he couldn't trust his mouth to speak politely at the moment.

“We just received a request from Commander Jeon, you should go along with his Grace” Hoseok informed with a small smile.

Taehyung nodded with a thankful smile and walked back to the room he had exited.

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