So He Laughs

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Author's POV:

•Not Proofread•

Jimin remained silent for the rest of the ride, too flabbergasted to speak further. As they reached back at the castle, Jungkook led him down and commanded him to follow after him in a deep tone. Jimin merely nodded and tried to keep up with his husband's long strides. Jungkook led him towards a long corridor on the ground floor, someplace Jimin hasn't been before.

Jimin noticed various double doors, each having a label on them, stating the department they administered. Jungkook led them further and stopped at the end of the hallway, taking five steps down they reached a foyer of sorts.

“The stairs lead to our rooms” Jungkook answered upon noticing Jimin's questioning expression. Jimin nodded in answer. He then glanced towards three huge doors. One of them at the corner was the biggest one, other one bit smaller and lastly the smallest stood next to the marble stairs.

“That's the private library” Jungkook pointed to the largest double doors.

“This is my office” he then pointed to the middle one.

“And this is your office, right next to mine. If you have any questions, come in my office” lastly he pointed to the smallest door and explained.

“Thank you…” Jimin trailed off, unsure of using a title.

‘What should I call him by? Commander? His own name? Or something similar to Doll?’ Jimin wondered furrowing his eyebrows cutely.

“Commander is fine” Jungkook said coldly.

‘Pfft. So I should call you Commander while you get to call me Doll or some shit’ Jimin snickered internally.

Jimin was startled by a noise.

He looked towards his husband and noticed an extremely shocking sight.

The coldass man he's married to was cackling heartily.

‘Huh? What's wrong with him?’Jimin wondered once again.

‘Wait a minute! I think I pfft’d out loud while patronizing him in my thoughts’ Jimin wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole to hide his embarrassment.

“It's okay” Jungkook said before Jimin could open his mouth to apologize for his misdemeanor.

“You call me Jungkook, only when we're alone. Other times you will refer to me as Commander” he stated and Jimin patronized him internally again.

‘Why did I get stuck with this prideful brute?’ He whined internally.

“Okay” Jimin muttered.

“You start right away” Jungkook said and walked towards his office door and pushed it open, disappearing inside, leaving a confused mochi behind.

Jimin didn't think he'd be handed any work in this place. He thought he'd be stuck doing nothing, that he wouldn't be considered important enough to do anything. However, he can see that they use all resources to their advantage. They gave him a more or less suitable job, considering if he was an actual Prince, he'd be expected to look after public affairs.

Jimin entered his office and hummed pleased at the size, it wasn't as small as he expected. There was a huge mahogany desk and fluffy chair to sit on. He groaned when he saw fuck ton of files on his desk. Now don't misjudge him, he loves to do work, he's used to it. What he isn't used to is writing or reading!

King Namjoon had made sure to train him in things which a royal of his age should be equipped with, yet the amount of time was so limited that Jimin couldn't learn everything very well. Thus leaving him with half the knowledge. He opened the files and blanched at the difficult terms and advanced maths. He groaned again and banged his head on top of the agitating file.

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